Wednesday, August 18, 2021

what we want and need

What does it mean to have mindfulness and a God-consciousness and piety indeed
We really need this you see within our Deen
To acquire eman on demand
To be obedient to one and only Allah you see
Most Muslims you see have this indeed
As it is a structure for the mind you see
Taqwa right for thee
To have the right consciousness to God to know to need
To fear but love also for it is needed in piety
Piety is not just by our clothing, but by our deeds
Our actions you see
It has a much deeper understanding within Islam, because not one word means one thing, but it could be many things
Let us breathe and be mindful of the situation we need
To bring oneness with your heart
Allah fearing abundance 
Allah for he is Almighty 
You see this is not a dream come to be
It is a foundation within our eman
It is needed to structure so
Everyone does Haram, but one who does more that doesn't repent 
Is in a worse of mood in the afterlife
For those angels on left and right
Write down those deeds, you do the good with the right
To keep piety that's needed within the deeds
I do with Allah indeed
To round my spirit and humble thee
To keep yourself full of noor
To allow the abundance of God-fearing to surround you
And with this you will feel a lightly thing of piety
As it raised within your eman you see
This is what destiny is for us the Muslims indeed
To not forget this is needed to avoid the Haram and follow the halal
Don't be fooled by the desires those nafs indeed
The materialistic things of this world that people think they need
I know for a fact because of the Quran
The final message to man indeed
To not follow such quality as greed hatred
Emendity towards a fellow human and pride in many such things and it hurts a believer
Where taqwa is indeed
This can hurt you more than you see
It can lead down to a destruction and emptiness that be's
Rememberance of what this means taqwa indeed
Remember where you are at every sight you see, every emotion that be's
At times we will feel so lonely, but remember Dua, Dhkr, and Salah indeed It brightens the mood and makes you whole indeed
To remember this time we find on this world you see is, but a test that is meant for humanity
So let us remember Allah indeed
What he showed the prophet Muhammad SAW 
What was revealed to him is what we need
Not to be distorted beyond the bend
Even when alone remember taqwa
The God-fearing abundance indeed in Almighty piety
To have consciousness with this indeed
We know what we need
Will we seek it
To strengthen us indeed
Upon a path within insanity if I can find such this way
So can another within a world full of fools
To be fearful
To have love
To show our worthiness
For Allah you see
It's meant for us all within our hearts
This is the best the shahada 
To center self to be mindful
This will help you conquer taqwa
Practicing steadily within the deen
This is meant for you and I 
For Islam is peace indeed

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