Friday, August 6, 2021

memories pain and joyful

As I start to remember 
It blazes past me like a sharp blade to the skin 
The emptiness within, I'm trying to find joyous things in those memories of the past
To remember the good and forget the bad, to not blame myself there's something
That I cannot control to, leave it to God for he knows all
To wonder and wander upon the universe 
Shall one be within the light or cast aside within the darkness, but to remember fight the darkness
To never let go
Just because I forgot his voice does not mean I do not forget the emotions
I felt and the true love of a parent to a child unconditionally
I plea, and plea with my Lord indeed
Time to ponder....
To remember to stop, evaluate to express
 Write your heart out 
Pen to paper, letting it blend for the canvas is ready for the color and shades 
To be known as Noor 
Remember to always look for it even within the insanity that be's

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