Tuesday, August 17, 2021


I am wondering on this world of My reality
To not be able to see outside the box
I feel as though I'm trapped within the darkness
Pulling through the chaos over and over again
Wanting it to eventually end
Finding that hopelessness is at the end
Far nor bear
Do we know?
Truly not for that is not our place
I want to find solitude within myself
I want to be content with being ill
There is so many things I want but it seems unattainable
As sharks move within the sands of the sea
Will it ever be beyond insanity?
Well I ever believe in Hope of that reality?
Never quite sure, wanting much more
But feeling so scarred and tarnished so
And the Carnage is with me so listen please
I am not worthy
For what I do and see
I am different from the rest of you
I feel that energy around and I can take it as thy own
As it negatively affects me
Will I ever be at peace?
Well I know the virtues of peace?
In this time of my life you see
Or will it be granted to me on judgment Day just a glimpse of peace and Hope
Is enough for me
As tears rip through me
Unable to cope
I reckon I should just do Dua
Even that seems to be stopped by the insanity that be's in the mind that can't control reality
I want to believe in me that I am possible to overcome the insanity
But as the days roll on by and the months begin to begin to years
To worsen as you age
To have your psychiatrist ask you what he should do
What is the point really in this world anymore?
I don't care, I'm done
Next time it comes I will not fight 
For I am defeated
I do not know if I should relay my light to my deity Allahu you see
I want to please him so solely
But I'm drifting from the light
I just want to keep on going until there's nothing left 
The Carnage will not be subdued
For the devour is here
Never fear, it's something dear
Within thyself I feel
Corrupted within my will
Let it be let it be even with the insanity
As I scribe and ponder so wonderfully
Will this be the end soon to come?
To pass on the courage to another
To raise awareness of this curse
There is no cure for what I have
I'm running out of answers
I don't want to have that courage for that day
When I make that promise I made so many years ago 
I just can't let it go
I seek refuge in a love from the accursed Satan
I testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the slave  and messenger of Allah
I cannot deny what truth is
Soon I will lose the war
I'm tired of fighting
So let's just calmly go with the insanity

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