Monday, February 27, 2023


Where am I?
Upon this time that be
In this insanity
Shall this be deemed for me
Wanting nothing but serenity
Holding on to hope
Even when loss is here
Of mind and soul
My every being
Upon this time
Let me breathe
So soundly
Up down all around
Chaos bursting at the brim
Calculated doom to be
For my this time in need
Shall I find Hope within chaos
Here is to that
Wondering if this will help
Walking on this path
Towards serenity
Fighting my way at every moment
Shall this be the way
Truly is the Battle of jihad
Surely we struggle always
I am but a human fully flawed
Will I overcome what burdens me so
I can but hope only
Never giving up to let the light flow
Bring peace to the heart
I search for hope
Never giving in
I'm still here
I will not give in
For I am not alone
For the light is with me
Allah The one and only
He is there for me
Blessed be this reality
Hope for today, so tomorrow brings joy
Never giving in
I shall strive always
Within the destiny that be's
So let me breathe 
Nice and deeply
Waiting for serenity
Let life truly be
Even within my insanity
I truly need hope

Friday, February 24, 2023


Created by chaos
Unable to cope
Readying they blade
To slice and dice
Wanting nothing but an end
Here I am with destruction of the heart
Broken beyond the bend
Tick tock on the dot
Stitches all over
Want nothing but to break free
From the bad deeds
What is destined for me?
Shall I breathe, so deeply
Start again
Running around the bend
Surely I shall mend
On the path
Following nafs
Well they be better for me
Other than the najs thoughts
They whisper so silently
Within my soul
Well my mind break
From the insanity
Let me breathe
My final breathes
Will peace be near and dear
Far from me
So let it be
Time to see
What's destined for me

The Fight Goes On

Where to go
Upon this time
With the doom
Shall I pray?
Only to plea for the darkness to disappear
Within my heart
Pains meet so
Emptiness here
Upon this day
What will be?
Up to Cloud 9
Does this define?
Artificial Bliss
Conquered from night to day
Unable to feel
Stuck with in the solitude
My heart yearns ever so
For a time when serenity is near
For the clarity wants to break free
To bring peace to the heart
For destruction shall bring despair
 Emptiness shall break the heart
Feeling so tarnished beyond control
Wanting nothing more but peace in the heart
So let one pray
For the Lord shall save you indeed
For even within the loneliness for God is always with you
And let the Divine light conquer your soul
To bring you closer to peace
To bring it to your heart
To allow the Noor to consume the darkness
To start our day let us pray
To bring peace to the heart
Never giving up
The fight goes on
The everlasting battle
I am ready to fight on
I shall not break from uncertainty
But truly be within this insanity
Destined to be free
Finally within this destiny

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

holding on

Broken beyond the bend
Unable to cope
Will I breathe so deeply?
Only to suffocate from the overbearing emotions
Wanting nothing but emptiness
Surely to dismiss
Upon this time
Will this be the way?
Hoping for a certain outcome
Wanting nothing but for life to end
Grasping the blade
As it shatters my heart
Will my soul be tarnished?
What will the outcome be
Upon this time
Shall serenity lead to clarity
To bring peace
To the mind and soul
Let one ponder so
Seeking hope
Wanting peace
Seeking refuge
Only to be turned away
By the desires of hate
For self
Am I worthy?
Tarnished ever so
Hoping for serenity
One can only be with patience
For hope to come
Holding to the happiness
The desire to be free
Well this torture stop
Will I seek the lord
What will come to be
So many questions
Only to hope for tomorrow
So it doesn't fade away

Milliseconds of Bliss

Following something unknown
Seems to be deemed
Reaping the desires that be
Unable to control
At times of insanity
Is this me?
So stuck within this list
My heart is drained
Hard within my heart
Wanting nothing but destruction
Maniac running on the brim 
Up down all around
Start again
Is this right?
Perhaps not
So I write
To lead a bad desire
To a state of serenity
My heart bleeds but truly needs
That light that's needed
The flickering within the darkness
Let this be
Something perhaps of bliss
Used but a millisecond
What a feeling indeed
Destined for me
Blessed for but a second
Clarity near and dear
To ride out the storm
To tame the beast inside
Seeing things through
Let there be peace of mind in time
Such one can only hope
That is the key for me

Monday, February 20, 2023

Lighting the way

On the bleak path, upon dismay
Care to stay, unable to breathe
So I scream, silently
Cuts so deeply, devouring desires
Shall this reap destruction?
I am me, free to be
Upon this insanity
Let me be
Chorus on the way, let one pray
Darkness reading the room
Waking in the day of night
In a deep cold sweat
Taking the flame to the torch
To light the way, following the Noor
Taking refuge within my serenity
Let me be, worshipping Allah
So be it, even when all are against me
Even myself
I strive truly try
Wanting nothing but bliss
But only to dismiss
Am I worthy?
Upon tomorrow, another way
Path set ahead
Strive, do good
Illusion of the display
Let me pray, perhaps paying the price
To hope for today, so tomorrow doesn't fade away
So let us pray, for hope
To light the way

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Familiar uncertainty

Waking in the night
Uncertainty at the peak
It twists and rips within me
This old formilar feeling
I don't know where to go
Falling into doom
What will be?
Upon this time
Middle of the night
Aniexty to the might
Unable to comprehend
Why must this be
Coming back to me
Why must the discomfort control
My heart and soul
I'm lost within my eman
Wanting to just understand
My heart yearns for serenity
Unfortunately the storm goes on
Breaking me beyond the bend
Counting the minutes to the end
Screaming with this destiny
What must come to be
Upon this uncertainty
Holding on to the Noor
As darkness embraces my heart
I am still me
With the darkness that resides in me
The light will always find me
A beacon of hope
That will be
Forever within destiny 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Path found

Here I am wondering
What will be?
Sway with me
As I flow
As the river that be's
Emotions run through me
Destined that be
Chaos that deemed
Let's see
Upon this insanity
Nothing but a dream to be
To find serenity
Dreaming truly a dillusion
Psychotic episode
Chaos comes with me
I am the storm
The maniac wanting something more
Hoping for freedom
Wanting nothing but to find
Hope is what's needed
Shall it be?
Destined for me
Seems to be
Destruction of a disaster
Explosion of nafs
What I want?
What I do?
It's up to me
So I truly need
To find the Peace
What light is meant?
The Noor in heart
Calls you
To the truth
Let it be
To seek the knowledge
To need the peace
Redeem yourself
Call upon the Lord
Allah Almighty
The greatest
Finding hope
Will save myself
So I seek Allah
Even in the dank darkness
There be a flicker of hope
That will save me
Truly let's see
What will come indeed