Saturday, December 17, 2022

Dusting off the shelves

Exposing the way

Where to go next

From the mighty years of experience

From the good and bad of life

To strive on always

Even in the pit of the Abyss

When darkness runs through your veins

Devastated by the emotion

Free to choose

Free to be

Within what we seem to be destiny

For choices are what we need

To make the choice to strive on and wanting more

No more wallowing within the abyss

I shall dismiss the negative emotions

To be fulfilled with contentment no even within the darkness that seems to be always

Sometimes we fall to the ground

Broken Beyond Bend

Time to start again

1 2 3 here we go

Strive on right there

Work hard always

Conquer your desires

Move within Good deeds

Shall you seek what is Right indeed

A royal degree

Children of Destiny

The shelves are ready, the books are aligned

Standing back looking at yourself 

At your knowledge that is attained

Standing tall

Wanting more

Fighting the darkness

Breaking the bend

Having sanity

I will always strive

Even in the divided times

Blessed be this Life indeed

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