Tuesday, December 6, 2022

To much

Up and down and all around
Hip hop hippity hoppity hop
How Grand it seems
Running around
Unable to grasp for what reality is
Dizzy beyond the bend
Hear the trumpets roar
Blasting the sound so soundly
Confusion to the max
Unable to comprehend what you know is
Unable to do anything but be
Not knowing what reality is
Surely this is not the delusion
Within this life that seems like an illusion
Falling to my knees not knowing what to do
Come to a fork in the road which way to go indeed
I reckon it's right for me
Perhaps it's left indeed
I split with no conclusion
And this is truly a delusion
Perhaps now but that's then perhaps the insanity will come then
Tick tock on the clock
Conclusion will this ever end
Hop hop hippity hop hop
Where do you want to go?
Will this Insanity ever end
I just want to know what reality is
Is that too much to ask for

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