Saturday, July 13, 2024

Jigsaw of the Mind

Breaking apart 
Pulling self in 
Having hope 
Wanting something 
To overcome the doubts 
To conquer the nafs
Bring me close
Do not dismiss my spirit
I want Noor 
To conquer my heart from the dank darkness
That suffocation bliss
Can I breathe? 
I want nothing but happiness
Having hope, holding on to sanity
Love self, but fated to hate self
60 percent of love for me
40 percent of hate the rage that consumes the light
Breaking with me
Slightly more understanding
Of the situation that be's 
Destined for the good 
Hoping for the rest to fill with love 
Here I am broken, but rebuilding 
Taking the jigsaw of my mind 
Pull me close, follow the light
To bring in Peace 
Having something more
That is right
Will he accept me 
Broken but rebuilding 
Remodeling the spirit
To bring me close to Allah
That is Hope
Something that is more
So much more
Allah save me from this disassociation 
Of the mind that is destined to fail
Only with you Allah can I truly hope
You conquer the darkness 
Keeping my Eman to my heart
Actions beyond me 
Boost me up, bring in hope 
Embrace love
100% of bliss
Worshipping the Lord
Following the Deen
Upon the days to come 
Having truth is far better than hate
The jigsaw pieces are finally fit 
Having true hope 
Truly this will save me 
So break free

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Tear-shaped emotions 
Tripping down the cheeks 
Up up to Cloud 9 
Does this define 
What serenity is? 
The falsehood of the solitude 
The monster beyond the bend
Comprehending hope 
Beating the chest 
Holding the fear 
Having something more 
Here we go, upon this time
Suffocation to the max 
The good old H2O 
COPD the best of me 
Can I finally breathe? 
Ever so softly, will there be peace 
Within my soul 
Conquering happiness 
To allow the flood lights to consume 
The gates be open 
Where to go from here? 
This time will tell 
What will happen? 
What will come? 
Here there everywhere 
Screaming for sanity 
Basking in the light of insanity 
I am finally free, to breathe those lightly breaths 
Holding on to something 
That is Hope

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Rift within the soul 
Holding on to something 
Wanting something more 
Unable to comprehend 
The pain that be's
Stolen from the heart 
The beat is on the bend 
Shall be some mend 
Kaleidoscope vision 
Pitter pattern here and there 
Conquering nothing 
Seeking help 
Having nothing 
Bringing solitude 
Hating self 
Wanting to love 
Having hope 
Wanting to end 
This world 
Pitter patterns 
Where to go from here 
Upside down and all around 
They stare so lightly 
So safely, let me wear the vest 
To invest what might be 
Full of insanity, just let me be 
On the bend about to mend 
Up down all around here we go right now 
The loss of something 
The game of Chaos 
Burdened is thy soul 
Perhaps this is what is destined 
Are these the deeds that be? 
Breaking away from the insanity 
Running on light 
To conquer the darkness from within 
To bring hope to something more 
To something more 
To something more 
Something more....

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Upon tyranny

The cries call upon today 
The skies are littered with chaos 
Shooting within the sky the missiles want you to die 
Upon this time to tell 
The cries go on silently 
Pounding the ground wondering why 
Calling upon the Lord 
Unable to find refuge 
For the heart is twisted 
From the chaos around 
Hoping for tomorrow for the war to end 
Wanting nothing but peace 
Finding solitude 
Hoping for something more 
Upon a time to tell 
We will find serenity 
But first we must bleed
Tarnished here 
Burdened so 
The sky is littered 
With the souls of those gone 
Blood soaked hands 
Shame on the enemy 
We shall rise 
Upon this Day 
A new one 
A New beginning 
Where will we find peace? 
Those cries whisper into the night 
Silence is here 
As we mourn our family and friends 
Only to live another day of hell 
The fight goes on, surrendering not 
Standing tall, with this day 
We shall have victory 
In the end 
Triumph the upon destiny 
We shall finally breathe peacefully 
Or will this be our last breath 
Family, friends, and the enemy 
Blood soaked hands 
Guilt upon 
Bringing in Destiny 
Breathing in Hope 
The tyranny is here 
Burdened are we by this world 
Shall fate be in stone 
Perhaps it can change for the better 
Bringing something close 
Close to the heart 
Peace is found with Allah 
Surrender yourself 
Comfort is there 
Seek the Lord 
For Hope is near and dear 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

songbirds of dawn

Sing the little song bird
Lovely as it seems 
The sweet melody 
Calls to me 
As though the athan does 
I am called to pray to Allah 
I follow the way of the sunnah
Little birds sings a song all The way 
They offer the songs to the Almighty 
The most beneficial the most loved 
Allah I love you 
Even though I don't love myself very much 
I strive on in this world 
Wanting nothing but to conquer my nafs
Little birds you called me to pray 
As you sing as the dawn comes to you 
Nature's athan
Pulls me towards the light 
Not knowing what to do 
I'm stuck in insanity 
But I do my Dua 
For my supplication is right 
For I love Allah 
Sing little songbird of the Dawn 
Call the Muslims to pray 
We offer our Salah 
To benefit ourselves 
To worship the Almighty Allah
Sing little songbird 
Tweet all you like 
I hear that you call me to pray 
Pray away the insanity 
Pray away the hate 
Pray to worship Allah 
That is our purpose

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

triumph of the day

Raising the flag 
Triumph on the way 
Where are we going? 
Upon this Day 
Terror here and there 
Lost within the whim of war 
Ceilings collapsing buildings demolished 
Cries of the babies that are lost 
Wisps of the night 
The missiles are coming 
Wanting to break free from this chaos 
As the world seems to be full of insanity 
To let people die in a genocide 
Not knowing what the truth is 
From the river to the Sea 
Palestine Shall be free
Free from what, the tyranny 
To have hope 
To keep on striving 
That is what the people do
In times of Chaos 
There's but brief moments of bliss 
We shall not dismiss 
Small whispers within the night 
Don't tell anyone, perhaps we shall fight 
What is right? 
In this world we see nothing, but insanity 
To seek something more 
Follow that light 
Bring in the peace 
Surrender your soul 
You will be free 
To worship thee Almighty Allah the most gracious 
Hurting feeling pain eternal despair what to bring but hope for something more 
For a Dua is needed 
For Palestine well forever be free 
As I stand I remember 
This world is but disaster 
Allah makes it bearable 
That is peace

Monday, May 27, 2024

break chaos equal emotion

To lose something close 
To go beyond the breaking point 
As the streams go down with the insanity 
Glimmering chaos that brings nothing but despair 
Am I free? 
From this insanity 
Can I finally breathe 
To lose something that ruptures the heart 
Holding on to something 
Hoping for a better outcome 
Screaming so silently 
Disaster here and there and everywhere 
For the patterns stare
Ever so plainly 
Trying to be calm 
But nothing seems to conquer them 
To stay strong 
Do not let the dangerous out 
I feel so destroyed 
For the patterns conquer me 
Vision / blur 
All I see is patterns here and there 
Embracing the emotion 
Only for destruction to break free 
Hoping for something more than insanity 
Hoping to break free

Sunday, May 19, 2024

The fool

Unable to hold
To the hope
That the bearings bring
Once the fool said 
I am free
Not to the means 
The demand to understand
Chaos stricken bliss
Where to go? 
Once upon a time
There was but darkness
The nafs drag my heart
Through the hardship
To come, finding hope
Wanting something more
Wanting to fill the voids
In my heart, will I be free
I just want to strive to survive 
To conquer the darkness
To hold to hope 
Letting the Noor in
Feeling something
What next for this fool...

Saturday, May 11, 2024

To Conquer

As the stars collide 
A time to come 
Need for more 
To conquer the nafs
To seek the hope 
To conquer the darkness 
Consuming the light 
Bringing hope near and dear 
The mind is complex 
As each minute passes
Breaking point 
Where to go from here? 
Hoping for something more 
Wanting, needing, having. 
Fall into my knees 
As I plea with thee
Who but Allah the Almighty
Help me breath
Taking deep breathes 
To center my soul
The stars collide 
Causing a climax within the mind 
Upon time to tell 
Another story is on the mend 
Hoping for now 
Taking something, something more 
Finding peace 
Destruction on the bend 
I shall conquer all 
For I am free to be 
Fully maniac schizoaffective being
Is this the meaning of life? 
Only time shall tell 
What will hope hold...
To keep the faith
To hold sanity 
Is this deemed for me 
Insanity is near and dear 
Unstable on the mend 
Shall I defend 
Against the najs desires
The times that be
We are free to believe 
Free to hope
So never lose self
Hold into the Noor 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

lucid hope

A drop upon time
But a moment so lucid
Feeling content, feeling lost
Hoping for hopefulness
Losing self
Comprehending what is happiness
Is it but an illusion
Happiness leads to mania
A drop of time
Demanding what is mine
Upon this Day, insanity as it may
Maniac upon the bend
Truly I cannot be on the mend 
Up down all around
The glimmers that be
The patterns that stare
On the mend?
Shall I depend
1 2 3
One pill two pill three pill more
Holding on
Wanting more
Seeking something
Unable to comprehend
Shall I leap, upon the deeds that be
In this wake of insanity
I truly shall be
A shine through this world
Hoping for better days
Before disaster ends
Holding on to anger
Where to go from here
The rage burns on
Wanting something more
Shall I ever find?
I wonder upon these days of insanity
Only to fall down to breathe final breath to hold them in to let them go upon this mend
Truly I shall depend
Lovely as I can be
Finally shall I be free
Is this what is destiny

Sunday, March 3, 2024


Hitting the match on the mark
Pulling in the deep breath
Fuming to the box
Bursting at the brim
It calls me, the rage within
Unable to comprehend
Fall into my knees
Devastate my soul
Unable to believe
Wanting nothing but the flame to desire more
Ready myself
Taking thy right, striking is insanity
Freaking out, wanting the mania to consume
The rage goes on
This is not me
I am conquered by my nafs
Jihad against the mental illness
Where to go from here?
Broken beyond the mend
What will I recommend?
To have skills to acquire
Are worthless unless you inquire
For it be skills before pills
But can these skills overcome the rage
As it goes on within my heart
I want nothing but to die
But here I am with my jihad
Fighting against my every being
Darkness is here and near
A light may come knocking
Open that door
Bring in the Noor
Serenity is what is needed
For God to grant me serenity
So I can have the courage to change
Knowing that the wisdom will bring me far
To conquer the Nafs
To bring in light
To fight the rage
To sip on serenity
For I am free
To choose my destiny

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Upon Reality

Upside reality
Dare I dream upon
The Stars that's cast across the sky
As a shining light drifts, with chaos
Coming to an end
Shall I bare what seems to drive my soul
Upon insanity drifting within the heart
What do I see?
Shifting the patterns
They stare, wanting nothing but to break
Break reality
Is this what's destined?
I breathe finally
Will I be free?
Will I break!
Thought in mind
Where to go?
The sky is falling
Disaster here
Delusional upon the mend
Hopeless within the heart
Confused with what reality is
Is this what a dream?
Upon what we think what reality is
Knock knock who's there
Faith, lose not hope
Scraping to the surface
To finally breathe, what's destined for me
Paranoia on the bend
The illusions will truly mend
Losing self to the end
Where will I go?

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

I'm low and I'm high
What does that define
Within time shall I die
Unknown is the world this time
Up and down and all around
Insanity on time
What does it mean?
When will I be free
Stuck in the infinity circle
Infinite emotions that hit me midnight ponder on time
Wondering within the night
If I should've fleed from this
Stuck in the best
Sucking in all the hot air
Blowing out the candles, make a wish or two
Hope for something more
Hope to be on time
The emotions are set
What shall be next?
Upon time shall tell

Friday, February 16, 2024

Currents of Emotions

The current moves
Flowing within time
The current moves
Wishing and washing upon the sky
Emotions spread out
To let them flow
Seeking hope, finding absolute disaster
Wanting, and needing
Finding what, but the solitude
Fallen to the ground
Weeping upon the hourglass
The sand moves, glistens, and sparkles
Catching my nafs
Leaving the najs at Bay
To hold onto sanity
Is this greed?
Wanting nothing but peace
Looking for all the medication
1 2.....something more
To take the deadly deed
To be full of insanity
What will save me from myself?
I'm trying to conquer my desires
Trying my best
Truly I am but a mess
Disaster here and dear
Feeling emotions on the spot
Surely I shall not dawdle
To reach for the Noor
Grasping what sanity is
Well I finally overcome
Or shall this be my destiny
To be content
To be happy even within the darkness
To find the light
To acquire hope
Wanting something more
Seeking something
That shall cure the emptiness
I'm so empty inside I want to die
I just want to feel alive
Not letting the mania take control
Schizo to the max
Well I overcome such
Seems to be a lifetime thing
As time goes on, the insanity flows
With the current that goes
With all the emotions that flow
Finding something, that is peace
Finding self to acquire hope
I am me
Free destined for insanity
The chaos is amuck
Allowing the light to consume
I can upon light, hope, charity
Who or what will answer me
To hold onto save
Finding nothing but Allah
The authority of all
He answers all, even when you have no words
Having hope
Not losing self identity
Muslim perfectly imperfect what am I but humanity
So pray, seek another day

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

bound to collide

Motionless in the timeless space
Stars collide, tearing the Galaxy into pieces
Frozen unable to comprehend
Ripped in two
For the Jekyll in the hyde
Surrounds my bearing
I am but motionless
Bearing nothing but emotion
As they collide with one another
Ripping my soul into pieces
I am but lost 
Dare I say on the mend
Casting the first stone
Causing the ripples to disperse
The chaos is deemed
What's right for me
I shall not give in
To the darkness that knocks
Dragging your Eman
Knocking at the shackles
I am but free
Free to choose
To conquer the light
To hold on to the darkness
To keep it at Bay
To let it slumber
To let the light in
To bring the hope
Wanting something more
Reaching for sanity
Surely I will breathe
Bringing nothing but lovely deeds
To strive for good, conquering the darkness
Blessed be full of insanity 
I am but me

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

the chaos of confusion

Drifting upon a time to tell
Chaos of the heart
To find peace in serenity
Only for something to boil over
The lava within the soul
Swells within time
As the anxiety seems to be
Bringing nothing but confusion of the mind
Unable to comprehend even words of serenity
As I Fall to my knees 
Pleading with the Lord 
To save me from this chaos
I'm overflowing
The emotions that bear
Anxiety to the max
Depression to the blade
Wanting to cope
Failing and falling for destruction
Where shall I go?
Upon a time to tell
As I stand at a fork at a road
To follow the darkness
To drift with insanity
Is this what Destiny is?
I strive always
Resulting in disaster
I am but chaos
But a dreamer of this world
Where to find Bliss?
Where to find serenity?
To fold my knees, bowing my head to the ground
Seeking the truth
The way
The hope within the hour
To save but a second of a moment
To be free of the insanity
But for the moment
I shall pray even when the confusion
Penetrates my mind
I am but a glass shattered
As millions of emotions bear me
I scream ever so silently
The tears run down my cheeks
Burn my soul
Am I broken
Beyond repair
Used goods
 Useless thoughts these are
Broken not but rebuilding
Construction of the heart
Blueprints to the light
Seeking serenity
Finding the one and only
Allah I call upon my Dua to you
Where to Go from here?
I breathe only to find depression
Breaking point
Start again
The serenity is the end
That is Peace of mind
To hold onto hope
Fovever more

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Against the tide

Let there be peace
To the chaos of the heart
As the shadows collide
Shimmer here and shimmer there
Pitter patter and get at her
Patterns here and patterns there
Up and down all around
Shift gear shift there
On a collide to the Stars
I just want to die
But here I am striving on
Against the tide
Ripping the current into my soul
Undoubtedly the best way to do it
To ponder if it's right to be
To be free of insanity
But the shadows have collided
The patterns are here
The voices seek an audience
What to do?
But seek light
Find peace
Strive against the tide
Emotions rise
Perhaps it's time
To define
What I need
That is clarity
So do the deed
The smallest are the best 
We truly need
To humble ourselves
To not give in to the insanity
Is it time to let go?
Time to plead to God
To let me strive on
To pray on time
To never waiver within the deen
As time has come to tell
Another story to come along
Forevermore nevermore

Friday, February 2, 2024

the words that be

Words to keep me from solitude
Words to guide me
Lost ones
Hoping, wanting, and needing
The light shines bright
A path towards sanity
The words that call me
Bring peace
Save me from my nafs
Daring to survive
What is Peace?
Bringing hope
Words that call me
To Kingdom come
Happiness attainable
Sadness with despair
Near and dear
Striving to hope
What will come?
What is next?
Actions before the reactions
Deeds for the Dunya
What we need
That is Islam
Finding hope
With the words
That turn my heart
Words that love
Where to find?
From someone's tongue
From the scripture
We have perfection
That is the Quran
The words that guide
That is what is needed
To bring peace to the mind and heart
To lighten the mood
To worship one
The glorious, the mighty, the great
That is perfect harmony

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Spur of Time

 we be crazy

 not knowing what do 

here we are all over the place

 all around wandering the night sky, until the time has dropped 

unknown is tomorrow crazy is this world 

unable to  be full of bliss

we shall dismiss

the darkness up and all around

 crazy for the time what to do

 lets go 1 2 3

 here we round and round all around crazy too 

what to truly do

Break slightly

Something's breaking
Unable to comprehend 
Grounding upon the time
Stepping on the millisecond
Ripping around the bend
Falling to the ground
Following the Dragon
Moving with the river
Against the rhythm
What will come up this?
Unmanageable to bear
Upon this time to tell
To the extreme one must go
To lose hope in all
To scrape to the surface
I'm wrecked beyond the bend
Well I truly be on the mend
Can I break free from this insanity?
As I try and try
I am a disaster
Upon a time to tell
I am but me
Full of this insane insanity
I truly breathe
Breaking from the braces that be
Holding me so slightly
But to break free
Shall save me for my sanity
Without it, do I truly matter
Well I overcome?
What will I do?
To hope for another day, so tomorrow doesn't fade away

Monday, January 15, 2024

something more

Running on the highway not knowing what to go
Unable to cope
Wanting nothing but to die
The Galaxy's collide
Causing chaos to divide
Calculated to the best
Unable to cope
Like explosion in my mind
Up down all around here we go
Hallucination here and there
What is reality?
The illusion of the delusion
Wondering what to do
To fall to the ground
Worshiping the one and only
Seeking refuge with the Lord
Unable to cope 
Walking on the bend
Bursting at the brim
The emotion over bears
Unable to cope
Take the blade where to go
Take the flame right here now
Unable to cope but seek refuge
That God is on your side
The devil is the Redeemer perhaps he is the deceiver
Up down all around
Mania on the mend
Unable to cope
But to seek refuge
In the one and only hope
Where to find they say
Look into your heart
Follow the Noor
Conquering the darkness
Unable to cope
Here I am
Ready to be
Full of insanity
Is it time to bleed?
Hoping for freedom
Wanting something more
Hoping for something more

Receiving hope

Where to go from here
A Pondered moment
A leap for peace
To demand honor
To bring hope, to the despair
Wanting something more
To seek the deed
What's destined
To be free, that brings peace 
That is what, I need
Something that destined
Hoping for paradise
For but a moment
Finding peace with the corruption of the heart
I breathe so lightly
Screening inside my head
Wanting the voices to be silent
Pitter pattern on the mend
What to do?
Shall I depend, on the cloud?
Wondering what will come
Of this hope 
That is peace
Harmony right for me
That is Islam
The right way
To follow the Deen
The best what I can do
Is but hope for action
Over the nafs
To redeem myself
To be free
To confess
I am me
Full of insanity
Let me breathe
For Allah said, Be
Striving always
Hoping for freedom from the desires
Finally Peace