Thursday, February 27, 2014


Sometimes we find our selves out of reality
may it be a dream or an illusion
Sometimes i cannot tell the diffrence
are dreams souly happening when we are in our comfy beds asleep
or are they day dreams
sitting off in the class room having distant thoughts of wonder
We know about that
it has brought us to simplier time we our hearts want us to be
ive had a dream upon a dream before
where when you awaken from one you dont know if your in your own reality anymore
i dont know if its just me
but my bad dreams usually wake me up in fright
and i seek thy lord for comfort
its said i may have post tramatic stress disorder
because i have lucid dreams
and its hard to seek serenity when in a frightful state
i feel my every being is trembleing
but thats the past
and just a dream
it has no power over me
other than losing sleep
ha ha i laugh at the jinns who are attacking me
if they are jinns at all
could be that old dirty devil
so lets talk about illusions and reality
how to tell the diffrence
i used to think happiness was but an illusion
created by the man
to have false hope
but that time has passed
and for me im happy for once
could be the medication
or the new religion
or just plain ole me
sometimes i like to test myself as if reality was false
by challengeing my sleep and staying up
the longer the day the more i think it reality
but who knows
ha ha maybe we are like in the matrix
thats silly now
but people sometimes think it
but some people just arent there
i know there was a time
when i was but in illusion
i didnt know what was happening
and i couldnt stop it
turns out it wasnt an illusion
just some twisted soul
twisting up an inoccent
dream my friends
its a comfort in the end
Hope for a new beginning
for no one likes a to be continue
farewell once again
til another time

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