Sunday, February 16, 2014

Where will i go?

Jannah is paradise
A garden
Some believe it to be the garden of eden
or similar
With rivers of wine and honey
But only the muslims go
They damn the jews
Because they dont accept Muhammed
They damn the christians and spit upon them
Because we worship the true God
I dont really know how to explain
Why i choose my lord and savior as the true God Jesus
but just like islam i had a feeling
do i damn my self for being muslim
no it taught me to have structure
structure is good for me
and well islam has it
But i couldnt going on denying myself
I felt a calling
like something was right
The wool was covering my sight
For i loved God so much
Because before islam i was dark and lost
I did not know no God just a silly belief made up to comfort me
But when I read the Quran I believe I found God maybe not the true one
But at the time christianty did not make sense to me
Allah was needed but as the years passed i became bitter because islam is not what it seems
But enough of that i found the true God now Allaha the father
My friend who curses me now was never my friend i believe now because we were friends before islam
so why because i have choosen the true path for my self maybe its true for me
because my heart says so
Jesus taught us to love one another as we would love our selves
you know turn the other cheek
Where Muhammad teaches an eye for an eye
Didnt you know that makes the world blind
Dont get me wrong i dont hate muslims or islam
I get bitter when people attack me
So i apoligize to they muslims that i said i hate you because you are stupid
because your not i was for saying so
Please oh Lord accept my words
I admit i dont know much about the bible
but its been a few years since i read scipture from it cover to cover
but now im just focusing on the lord for myself
They say im unstable
I'm irrational
That im manic
I think im becomeing such
but i was sound of mind
when i accepted christ into my heart
But my old friend says im stupid
Un stable
That just wants me to take the blade
Luckly i dont have any
But why should i resort to old ways
when Jesus my lord and savior died for me
all my sins now are replaced with a clean slate
because its diffirent now I see as the days go by
As the lord comes into my life more and more
Happiness is there
With God
So grasp not to the rope
but the rail
to that stairway to heaven\
for i finially seek it
because this jannah seems attainable
and at least i know my believers friends and family
will hopefully be there
by the grace of God
God willing

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