Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Feeling so tired inside the mind
Why does it seem that, it feels like demise 
Doesn't mean that you're leaving self you no longer feel that you're right in the mind here 
We are not knowing what to do and some but not most suffer indeed and do you find that it might be insanity 
Yes there is coping skills and deeds, but sometimes even that doesn't do the deeds
 I find myself wondering into the night beyond my mind unable to swallow I'm at the brim
 Doesn't even matter anymore like I know that I am one but I find no community and such I'm just way too messed up for them way to messed up for society itself
Who climbed to the mountain of Mecca,
Where he was deemed to be to meet Gabriel indeed for the words of Allah is needed
So you got that right.
Checked monotheism is the best but I cannot deny what truth is
I cannot deny what the insanity that breaks me at the brim 
I choke on the darkness and I don't know if it's right or wrong
I want to fight, tryinf to fight but victory is upon me

Thursday, January 21, 2021


 Time tends to decend

Upon the days to come

Rich with bliss within youth
They are tomorrow, so share for a care

Passs on your light tonight, it may be your last

Upon the new sunrise

Begging the world to treat us the same

We are blessed indeed, splendid ready to see

To greet, to smile to be, upon this insane world it must be

Time to say goodbye to despair

Ready to welcome a blessing

That is community

So strive for the good, don't forget the bad will haunt you too

We are not tarnished as the mind says

Free being ready to fly beyond reality

To dream of the future

Hopefully we will not bend nor break

Our will is strong when together

Rails way

 Running on a railway

Not knowing where it ends

Running rails coming to an end

Another blockade with sanity

Losing self with these deeds

I don't know if it will ever end?

Dilusions of the eyes, mind

To see see, Beyond what is needed

Running on insanity

I scream beyond sanity

To dream another night

Some lovely indeed

Instead nasty deeds arise

At every wim and every seed

Are we all lost?

Where is the hope?

Is this because of what I am?

Or are we just like the rest

Struggling indeed

Some are far worse off than other

They say, so smile today

That does'nt help me as I scream

Bending breaking wanting nothing but for voices and screams whispers shadows and patterns that deem

On the railroad trying not to crash

This this the way to rock bottom

Lost and loneliness does it feel

To break the barrier beyond the deeds

To have hope, in this lonely state of being

To remeber we are all together

Struggling indeed

Have some hope for today, so its far away

Stretch out your arms

As I do the same, you be far

I be insane

Hug or two is best for me

So have some hope

Thats what we need

Monday, January 18, 2021

So unknown

 I am not well

Here I am 

More insane as the moment goes by

At last I'm alone, but fear not for Allah is here

Remeber one who suffers most has betterment in jannah

What if you were like me?

Never wanting heaven nor reward

I do my good deeds reguardless of the reward God gives

Afterall we strive and if not for Allah, then who?

Self will not get you far, as many from the rooms say so

So what if it was built, the 12 steps by christians

Ever read the 12 traditions, niether race, creed, religion, nor politics

Why must we all break eachother down?

WE are meant to stride for the earth

After all we are the care givers, as Allah said so

For he created us so, from the clay of the earth

We are one with the earth, so why not care for her

She is one of the bringgers of life, water which is most of the human body

Soil for the greens to grow, to flourish with the glory of Allah 

Putting stars, universes galaxies together

The wonders of humanity

Perhaps they strive to find the unknown

Why not God?

We find him when we hit rock bottom

For he is the high power, so many seek

With his merifcifulness we will find hope

Follow the knowledge


Find truth

Leave the hate at home, away from your heart

Allah will comfort you, save you and love you more than your mother

Thank you Allah

Unknown as we are, we know 99 names

Their are so many more, I'm sure

Remeber we offer salat, not for Allah he does not need us

For self, to conquer your nafs

Have hope

That is With Allah

Sunday, January 10, 2021


Here again
Ripped to peices
Can I comprehend
This Bliss, shall I dismiss
Within the Shadow
Burns thee, Insanity beyond the brink
Coping once again
Thou hast cast this upon thee
Shall I see
Those patterns for me
Second guess, is it shayton?
I seek refuge in Allah, from shayton
In the name of God
The beneficial, The merciful
Shall this deemed for me
A time of death, ripping thy roots
I scream hear thee
Whisk of the sounding
I breath, stuck with the Insanity
Rage flows with me
I can't stop, carnage there
Wanting nothing but to devour
Heart and Soul
I'm left with thee who indeed
But Allah
Seemed for me, qadar written in the footsteps
Of a shepherd step
Finding God
Not losing Hope
Here right now
Ready to let the chaos in
This happens to be my fate
Even within the light
There will be forever darkness

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


Shift in the heart
Upon and down
Beyond thee breach
Filled to the brim
Unstoppable to escape
Determined to fight Insanity
But it bleeds, so suddenly the for is Crimson
Light from within
Wanting nothing but to strive
As I die with the inside
Just wanting to end it all
I Bend
Thy heart
Afraid of what's next
They hate me so
I am alone
Wanting nothing more
Acceptance from the diversity
Society as it screams
Shall this be, what's destined?
I plea and plea with something indeed
I'm lost Beyond the breaking point
Here again
Wanting nothing more to end it all
To rip taste and savour
This is Insanity
Will this free me
Nothing but whispers for me to As those patterns
Shift turns reflects so
My heart is yearning
Let it be
That power over me
Am I free?

Sunday, January 3, 2021


Where you start
I'm on my knees
Pleading with my sanity
Times get you down
Some more than most
Ok is it
Upon just being
Where do we find ourselves
When darkness is no longer bleak
The light is almost out
Here I am
Devouring flesh
Consuming Insanity
Do I plea, and plea
Hating self
Wanting more to end it all
Am I selfish?
For taking this path
I scream so softly
The skyline is high
Higher than you can be
 This is what's mentally to be
The guilt isn't much to live on
Raging here and there
Just breath
To suffocate
To hang
To burn
To cut
Self is made
Really does this mean, it's meant to be
Here I am
Pondering upon the deeds
To strive
To have society build and burn
To forget the past
To welcome the present
Will I ever hope for the future?
Will the darkness get me ?
Let it be