Thursday, January 26, 2023

Frozen my heart

Upon this Day
Shall I gaze upon the frozen water ahead
To walk a path of solitude
Never bring peace to the end
The calm of the serenity within the storm
The blizzard on
The chaos bursting at the brim
Frozen is the water
Opening the way
To find serenity
To let one plea
Perhaps this is sought to be
Within destiny
I stand here wondering
That disaster of plunder
To follow the path
Frozen is the way
Bringing peace near and dear
Follow the way
The only way
Follow the Noor
To fight the darkness
To keep it at Bay
Within serenity
Let me finally breathe so deeply

Monday, January 23, 2023

1 2 3 breathe

Let me breathe
Upon this anxiety
For the deep breaths can save me
An unfamiliar feeling set in stone
Carnivorous is the deed
Unable to feel
Anxiety brings uncertainty
Uncertain of what the future holds
Uncertain of what to do
Standing here within my insanity
In the Infinite culture cycle
Drip drop on the dot
What will come of this?
Suffocating to the max
Unable to comprehend how to breathe so silently so deeply
So 1 2 3 breathe in 4 5 6 breathe out
Holding on to hope
That there will be serenity
If one follows their Deen
Perhaps serenity can be sought
Hoping for freedom
Freedom of the emotions that rapidly turn
Swifting in and out swaying so lightly
On the roller coaster of disaster
A maniac on a rampage
Only to feel serenity one moment
Up up the stairs to Cloud 9
Does this define
What reality may be
Upon this time 
Remember to breathe
For that is Hope indeed

The neverending chaos

Conquered by the chaos
Wrecking to the brim
Unable to comprehend
This hope I feel inside
Conquered by the chaos
Striving for more
Follow the path to serenity
But one is stopped
By the Fate that be
Taking a twist and turn on the path
Unable to comprehend
Destruction here and there
Up down all around
Taking the Ecstasy of life
Conquered by the Nafs
Desires here there and where
Coming to me
I ready the blade
To write love on one's arm
For lost within hope
One struggles to gain
In this world so tainted
Will there ever be peace
Peace of mind
As those whispers conquer me so
A snicker here and a snicker there
To seek refuge in my Lord
To call upon him to gather the strength within
Standing tall, here I am
Unable to comprehend
But striving more to the ever never-ending cycle
To find myself here
Within the future that be
Will I conquer my soul
So I shall seek the lord always
For without him I truly am lost

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Searching for the one

Help the darkness within
Find the light
Need the hope
Search for the happiness
Falling for nothingness
Wanting nothing but hope
Finding nothing but despair
As the eye is the beholder
Of the beauty of reality
And let me see what serenity
Is for me
Perhaps this is the day
For the trumpets are roaring
Triumph to success
Wanting happiness
Gaining peace
Bringing hope
Passing on
Wanting peace
Seeking reality
Is this meant to be
Perhaps I will truly see the one

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Sriving for uncertainty

Creating chaos at The rim
Unable to comprehend what worthwhile hope is
Am I valuable?
For I feel worthless
Stuck in the abyss
Wanting to dismiss
Despair reading its spear
To pierce the heart ever so
To devastate
To create chaos
Calculated chaos at the brim
Bursting at the seams not knowing what to do
I Fall to my knees calling to my Lord
Reckoning that the light will save me
Perhaps this is right indeed
The Noor is here
To follow the light
To know the light
To want the light
Wanting to strive on in this world of despair
Anxiety to the max, an old familiar feeling
Uncertainty that I will win
I strive on always
Stronger at every moment
Around the bend I go running from the darkness
Hoping for light to come
Finding that with my Lord indeed
For he is the light that I seek
Allah The Almighty
Blessed Be
From you to me
To bring serenity
To want happiness
To bring the peace
Stopping destruction
Wanting more
Striving on
Will this be it?
Here I am
Walking my path of destruction
But always striving for the Noor
Upon tomorrow to come
Rise each day blessing thy Lord
Bismillah to start
Alhamdulillah to end
What must I comprehend?
That be hope
Hoping for today 
So tomorrow doesn't fade
The haze is here
I am but lost, not no more
For the light shines on
Shining through the mist
Of my heart and soul
Shall I dismiss?
Perhaps time will tell
What the heart seeks
For the light is near and dear
For the darkness is familiar
So seek the light for you will find hope there in 

Friday, January 6, 2023

To strive on

 Where to go from here

Lost in the abyss, trying to dismiss 

These emotions run through me rapidly 

Rapidly turning

As the corner comes to a sharp turn

As the darkness sleeps in to consume

Upon this time

Shall I ready the flame?

Shall I prepare myself for disaster?

Walking on the path of destruction

A 50/50 on life

Not knowing what to do but to strive only

To be content beyond the bend

To follow the light

Away from the darkness

Those Snickers follow you

And the visions come ever flowing

Will my sanity ever come?

Wondering upon this time

Well I simply be

Within this destiny

That's meant for thyself

With destruction in my heart

Wearing it on my sleeve

Pin cushion heart

Stick all the emotions inside me as they burn

Tears stripping down my skin

Unable to comprehend

What to do indeed

Perhaps I shall recite

Something that is needed

To seek refuge in the Lord the Almighty

So please let it be

From destruction to noor 

Upon this time to come

The not so far away future 

Will I survive? 

Upon this time to come

Destined to be stuck in destruction

To be content with disaster

To be humble within self

To strive always

Try not to give up

For I am strong

So perhaps you are too

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Hardly There

Hard hitting emotions
Unable to think
Where to go
Happiness but an illusion
For it never stays
It's just a stage
Upon time to come
Reaping my humanity
As I lose myself
Within the carnage
And it's burns
The rage bearing in my heart
Where to go
Up to Cloud 9
To escape time
For time hurts the most
As we lose so much
But fear not
For we gain even more
To be full of insanity
Dusting off the shelves
Setting everything in its course
Unable to want more
To content even when
Hatred conquered my soul
Not be hate for others
But myself
I'm broken
Beyond the bend
What will my destination be?
Stuck in insanity
Save me from myself
Screaming so silently
I want more 
I'm not satisfied
I want happiness
Shall I reap in the happiness of emotions?
Perhaps in heaping amounts
What will come of my being?
Stuck here pondering
All around
Here in my mind
Destruction being stopped at the bay
I write my heart out
To save myself

Tuesday, January 3, 2023


Fractured hope
Unable to hold on to
What is but this hope
Shall I find it somewhere?
Uncertainty sets in
I feeling long lost then
Something not felt for a long time
Something from the innocent days
An anxiety to the max
Unable to comprehend
Shall I reap myself of this compassion
For self that I have currently
Shall I ready the blade
To light the torch
Perhaps this is not the way
Shall I stay?
Within this world of dismay
I am screaming and crying for sanity to come
Am I not smart enough?
To be able to overcome the chaos
I'm stuck in this world tarnished indeed
Needing something
Wanting something
Just to be free
Free to be
Striking out
Striking in
Striving on
On to Trek
The Journey of life
Calculated chaos
Grasping hope but for a moment
Before despair conquers all
So here I am
Slightly having sanity
But criss cross in life
Insanity is here near and dear
Hoping to have some hope
Will that day come?
Shall there Be Peace of mind 
Well let there be
Seeking God the Almighty
In the time of need
For he hears all and knows your heart
So seek refuge in him alone
That itself is Hope
Dare not to forget

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Having something

It runs through my
That losing of Hope
Having it one second
Losing grasp once again
Disappointed in the outcome
Of the dillusion
Comprehend what compassion is
Having hope within the heart is but a goal
Wanting something more
Ever so more
Now let's care
Shall we stare
Blankly at our nafs
Cleansing life
Let me be
Free of in insanity
So let me breathe so deeply
Do soundly
May my heart be right in the mighty light
Bringing peace
Wanting serenity
Will I get
Someday inshallah
Wanting something more
What will it be?
So unknown
Will this be what hope seems?
Let me breathe so soundly