Wednesday, December 20, 2023

I am

I am me
Full fledged insaniac maniac
Up and down all around
My head is full of confusion
Uncertain of who I am
Am I still me?
Unable to cope with that one cannot comprehend
Hoping for uncertainty
Wanting the past to repeat
Wanting something to destroy
Other than myself
Insaniac to the mania
1 2 3 4
Start again and have some more
Upon a time to tell
What we need to do
To carry one another
Helping each other
To face the world
Showing that you are here
Full-fledged maniac
Full of bliss
Unable to cope
Ready the flame
Take the blade
Ready The noose
Are these right to do?
To seek refuge in your lord
For The whispers have penetrated you
Wanting something more
Needing, wanting so much more
That light keeps on knocking
To come to your heart
To conquer the darkness
To bring the noor
I am me
Full of anxiety
Will the worry take me?
Secret with the Lord
He hears you
Allah knows your heart
Even when your burden so
So have faith
Keep the light
I am me
Full of anxiety
Full fledge insomniac
A breath of fresh air
Bringing the hope
To conquer the nafs
That is what we need
To strive to do good
To redeem myself
I am me, a breath of fresh air

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Following the Dragon

Living for the desire
Dying for the high
Unable to cope
Why must this matter?
Am I able to apply logic
Upon this time to come
Wondering what will be
Will I fail at this once again?
Here I am standing
Tall as I can be
Full-fledged maniac
I am but me
Stuck in this insanity
As it rips me into pieces
Humpty Dumpty on the wall
Truly had a great fall
All the King's Men couldn't put Humpty back together again
As one can relate to this
Shattered Beyond repair
Shall I follow the Dragon
Pulling in the smoke
Suffocating to the max
Declining in health
Truly because I want
The darkness to dismiss
I want the light to reside
Through thick and thin
The fog is set
Here I am wondering within the mist
Will I find myself successful?
I want to stop but I can't find the logic
Does this mean that insanity is here
Unable to cope, unable to breathe
This surely is insanity
Where to go from here?
To Hope for success
That is the future that's not a mess

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

dawn that calls

Holding on to something
Wanting something more
Awake within the midnight
Pondering upon this time
Do I follow my heart?
Holding on to sanity
My mind spins
Vision of the koliscope
Shifting to something new
Wanting to understand
Unhappy maybe happiness is near
I try over again
I am free, so strong
Will the fate be!
Promise to swear to the Lord
I am here being
Everything within destiny
I stand tall
To fall try the ground
To worship to need what Allah deems
What we need
Will heal me
Bring peace to heart
Waiting for Destiny
1 2 3
4 5
Start again
Dawn calls me
To see
What I need

A spoonful of Bliss

 Golden with brilliance

Sweetness with courage

Apples of heaven

Cinnamon and sugar of the heart

For the passion of sweetness

In the dreams to come

Upon the spoonful

A blissful moment

As the glistens of the fruit touch the tongue

Lingers the saliva from the taste

Destined is this a piece for you and I

Apples so glorious

Apple some more

Crisp to the Bliss

A heaven sent

This piece I give to you is my heart

Forever peace will be more

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

where do I stand

Slumber slumber into the night we go
Ecstasy for the high
Pulling myself down
Depression to the max
Solitude for the mode
Unable to comprehend why
Unable to cope
Wanting something more
Here wanting finding
The journey goes on
Two stars collide causing a climax
As the ripples within the water rumble
To hear the roar
Of the chaos of the heart
Wanting something more
The darkness sweeps in
Swallowing the light
I can hardly breathe
Suffocation attire
Will I have freedom?
The torments of my mind
Burden my heart so
I take the flame
To cover the flesh
Corrupt to the heart
Here I am a disaster
Coming from all directions
The darkness sweeps in
Unable to cope
This night is a torment
Has the water drops down
Heaps of tears roll down
Why must I be this way?
Can I not find peace
Something to conquer
All The nasty desires
Unable to comprehend
Here I am wondering the night sky
The Ecstasy of the night
Shall I truly breathe my final breaths?
I truly want to slumber into the eternal night
To be ripped two
For the light is here
Do I fall, do I climb?
Climbing the stairs
The hardship of the desire
Holding on to hope
The disaster is near
The light it shines so brightly
That darkness begins to dim
As the sheets of light consume me
Am I free?
Free to be me, full fledged schizoaffectic maniac freak
Let me scream, shout out
Can I be free of the desires?
Follow the light they say
Keep the light close
My heart yearns for more
The everlasting slumber calls me
I fight with all my heart
Not to give in to the darkness
To seek the light always
Even when the darkness wants to consume
The light shall come knocking
To tear down any doors
That lead to destruction
So come with me
Let's fall to our knees
Doing dua
Asking for the supplications
Hoping for something more
Finding peace of mind
Will peace be free?
Or is peace unlimited
I shall stand tall against the darkness
Bringing in the light
Breathing in deep breaths
Hoping for something more
Acquiring hope, acquiring the light
This is peace
Hopefully it will last
Uncertain of what to do next
Please let me conquer what is to come
Standing tall
Breathing in peace
Allowing the light to consume
Finding solitude
Finding peace
That is what truth is

Sunday, November 26, 2023

something more

Once upon a star 
I call to you
Will you feel my emotions?
Will the end come?
Keeping my mind on the hope
Something more something needed
The light consumes me
Everlasting bliss
Will this last?
I ponder too truly wander
Today I breathe
Tomorrow I suffocate
Falling star
Wishing for the dream to come true
Happiness is what I want
Walking the distance
Hoping for sanity
Wondering what will come tomorrow
Arise to a new day
With different emotions do they sway
Once upon a Time
According to the star that shines
Happiness is but an illusion
Delusion of what is to be
I follow the light
To bring my soul to the clear path
Shall I slumber?
A sleepless night to come
Upon the stars that shine
Upon the time that be
Hoping for happiness
Getting the results
Up and not down
All together now
Emotion here and there
To follow the path
To the fork in the road
The right or to the left
I follow the way
I follow the light
What path that takes me to
Will it bring happiness?
I call upon the stars that be
Will you save me from my insanity?
I finally breathe
Followed by a smile
To bring hope
To bring happiness
Never separating
Shall I bend down to pray?
Upon this time I shall be
Thanking the stars that be
To save me from my insanity
Let me pray
To the one and only
Where hope is found
Where happiness resides
Upon the time to tell
As time goes on
I shall pray
Forever lasting light
Forever and ever more

Thursday, November 23, 2023

uncertain destiny

Walking down the path
Waltzing to Destiny
Can I feel my way through?
Stop drop emotion
Where to go from here?
Running on a railroad
Wanting everything to end
Stuck in the cycle
Chaos of the heart
Uncertainty is here
To bring it near
Upon this time to tell
1 2 3
Four five six
Running on the railroad
Coming to an end
Shall I die?
Does this define time
Wasted as it be
Uncertainty takes me
Will I finally breathe
Will I finally need
Ready set Go
It's time to let the river go
To run down the stream
Truly I shall scream
What is happening to me?
Fallen but not graced
Unable to comprehend
The cycle goes on
The chaos of the heart
Let me need, levitate me
Shall I truly be free
Speak to me, guide me
Down the path I go
Uncertain to the max
Down the path I go
Wondering what will come of this
As the flame wanders on
Scorching what the darkness wants
I follow the path
Uncertain as it may be
Uncertain as I need to be
Well I truly need serenity
To follow the path
Finding certainty on serenity
Let me breathe those lovely breathes 
Shall I be truly free
Does this define me?
Finally just breathe, be free

Sunday, November 19, 2023


The mood of the room
Feels despair, where to go
Upon this time to tell
Once upon the twine
Shall I mend to feel
All these emotions
Running through me
Like a sheet of icicle
Ripping, ramming what is this destiny
With me, am I free
Am I suppose to dream?
Will I consider the emotions
Shall I surrender?
To the will, of who
Intertwined with my will
My Lord comforts me
It's the race mirage at bay
Where you go, but to the light
Don't dread of the najs deeds
For I redeem myself
Am I supposed to be able to conquer all?
I'm falling down to the ground
Pledging my loyalty
That there is one
Only one
That is Allah
For he shall save me
These emotions that run at me
To keep them at bay
With but a plea, a dua
To breathe finally
To be free, to want something more
Following the Noor
Hopscotch to the Bay
For the light shall surround darkness
Leaving life full of uncertainty
Of the times that be
Have some hope
For tomorrow shall never fade

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

being of Destiny

Running on the railroad
Not knowing what to end
Follow the Dragon to never never Land
Climb the ladder, define Cloud 9
Wanting nothing more but for serenity
The internal chaos that seems
What but an Infinity
As it shines brightly
Forming one another
Glimmering light it seems
Switching the vision to be
Pattern here and there
Light that reflects all
Pattern near truly not so dear
Dread to the max
Unable to cope
What you do from here?
Screaming in my head
What to do from here?
Pleaing with the Lord 
The needy that I be
Stuck in the chaos
The circle that goes on
To ponder upon Time
To point logic at this source
Am I here?
Do I matter?
Will I ever have serenity?
To keep on striving
To fight the good old fight
In the everlasting war
Destined to be, solely but purely unique
I am destined to be, stuck in this insanity
Shall I be content with this?
One can only hope, that something comes from the disaster
Has the pieces seem to fall in place
After all the harm has been done
One hopes
One needs
I truly desire, something that makes my mind clearly
So I seek the truth 
Always in my heart
What is but peace
Bringing serenity
What I truly need
So let's have destiny
For God said be, and that's all I can do but be
Full-fledged maniac
Supercalifragilisticex schizophrenic
A breath of fresh air
Sweeping in the darkness blowing out the light
Surely this is his might?
To seek refuge always
Life may be what it seems
Lose not hope
That is needed
Be free to choose to be content
Thanks to God we are here
Even within the schizophrenia
I am but being within this destiny

Friday, November 10, 2023

Destined Bullets

Blissful is the day, to be taken down by the nafs
Rolling by like bullets on the drive by
Self-inflicted emotional damage
Side by side does it define
Bursting at the brim
Simmering ready boil
Ready not done
Blowing the top
Construction to the heart
The blueprints burnt to a crisp
Holding on to the insanity
Craving for the chaos
Waiting for Destiny
Shall I be free? 
From this insane insanity
Let me breathe
Those deep breaths
To conquer the najs desires
To hold it tight, that light
The Noor to hope
Holding tight is my breath
Fear of the suffocation
Hoping for serenity
To heal the heart
To conquer the anger
To seek the wisdom
To want peace
Everlasting peace
This is what is destined

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Dare to Desire

 stop drop mania

on the bend

ready to mend

time to send

upon dismay

shall I pray

upon this plea with insanity

will this be

Let me see

the deeds that be

whatever I need

shall be for me

despair of a desire

To want to overcome

to bring the bend

to the mend

upon a time to tell

will I be free

destined to be free

bliss filled meadows

calling me

sweet melody 

blessed I be

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

happy, mad, sad, striving

Tears of sadness conquer the happiness
As the rippling goes down as the tears are ever flowing
Dancing in the sky falling to my knees 
Conquered by my insanity
I'm happy then sad and truly mad
The boast of the Hatters
In the party of madness
One moment I'm mad like hatter
Follow the rabbit down the hole
Take me to a fantasy dream
Where sadness is no more
Care for the sake of self
Complete with more than a tad of madness
I'm struggling to keep the light
To follow the Deen
Where happiness leads with eman
Side by side
No no no
To the darkness
You can't win, for the Noor will always be knocking on my soul
Hoping to win, wanting more
Striving for stretch
A leap with Glee
Shall this be what sets me free
Waiting for the bliss
Conquering desires here and there
The everlasting chaos of the desires that be
Finding peace, not an easy quest
I will follow the way
Throughout thick and thin
My hope shall always be with my Lord oh Allah
Everlasting harmony
Strive evermore
There will be peace

Saturday, July 29, 2023


Do I truly matter?

Upon this time to tell

Waking within the darkness

Allowing the surface the flow

Smooth as it goes, rough as it seems

I am burdened beyond the bend

Self inflicted chaos

Bursting with emotions

One pattern to pattern 3 pattern more

Will this insanity ever be free of me?

Wondering within the doom

Willingness to get better

To try to cope, conquering the Nafs

My mind is split

Where to go from here?

Up up up down down down all around over again here we go now

Where to go from here?

To the Infiniti circle of chaos

Ready to be free

Do I truly need?

Help somebody help

My emotions are conquering my soul

Ready to truly need

What is that that I need?

Is serenity, and we find this with the almighty Allah the one I only

For he will never leave me

For he always hears, even the softest of whispers

Finding myself

Well I be free?

Upon this time to tell

I shall strive

Conquer the desires

To overcome they emotion

For nothing will get me down

Never alone

For Allah has always on my side

So be free, even within this insanity

Let it be

That way follow the light

Define the serenity

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

As Time flows

As the sun rises in the sky
The dust within the soul
Where to go from here?
Once upon Insanity
I am free to be me
Even when I am mean
When I'm mad as a Hatter
Perhaps time will tell
If Serenity can seek my soul
Where will I go from here
But following the light to ever happiness
Let me breathe within
This hell that is put through my soul
Will happiness ever come?
Tick tock on the clock, as time is everlasting the humanity
Will it ever end?
I just wanted to end
But I'm stronger than what I was
Like a brick wall 
Unable to bend nor break
To have some time ponder
Time has come and I'm finally nice to myself
No more rips No More tears
I am fully free
When will I choose to leave the chaos behind?
The infinity circle is here, but time will tell if it's good or bad
So I Fall to my knees and put my head to the ground
I followed the light, and let it be so bright
Everlasting happiness
This is what I seek within this world
Temporary as It seems
With whims and desires
Sadness comes and goes
Teardrops fall from happiness and sadness
And let me breathe
Full of life, I need
Blessed be life full of bliss and insanity
So finally let us breathe
Within the doom we see
Finally will I ever be free?
To allow Serenity to flow inside me
To bring peace to the mind and soul
Follow the way you seek
What is humanity but perfectly imperfect
We are but flawed
But we will not get us down
For we have Allah
So be not afraid to stand in the darkness
Light will always come
That is Hope

Thursday, June 22, 2023

To Serenity

Fall to the ground worshiping thy Lord
To grant me something
That's needed inside
The Noor shifting through the darkness
Confusion to the max
Through thick and thin
Allah grant me the courage
To change the things that I can
To never give up
To keep on fighting the good old fight
For what I do not understand  Allahu allim 
Through the path of darkness
Uncertainty carries my soul
Far from myself
I am lost, where to go from here?
May I be granted the wisdom
To keep the faith in God
To know to keep going
On this path of life
Where to truly go
To follow serenity is where I need
For only Allah Grant me that
To truly know, what is that
Haq with the Noor
Following hope, be it near or at a distance
Truly this will be enough
To bring the light to the darkness
Noor shall bring the hope
To conquer all the thoughts
To love, even myself
To bring peace of mind with my heart
Allah grant me serenity
To I can be at peace
Sanely once again
Hoping, Inshallah

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Finding something

Dew drops to the grass and leaves in the fields that be
Serenity found
For but a millisecond
Twist turn time to change
Up to Cloud nine does not define
Head in the clouds
Superficial to the max
Confusion on the walking path
Anxiety has its grinds away at my soul
Will time tell?
Upon the sunrise of each day
I arise new ready to be, the chaos burdens my soul
Confusion to the max
No answers to come
Paving the way for anxiety to burn
Where to go from here?
Fall to my knees
A dua from my soul
To the All Merciful, All Knowing
The king of kings
Allah the Almighty
I leave my path to you
To decide what will come next
For my fate is sealed
Only for God to know
So let's breathe
Deep breaths
Finding serenity

Friday, June 16, 2023

Dare to fool

Courage to speak
Despair to bare
Hope to love
Needs to be
Finally truly free
False realities
Delusions near and dear
Forgetfulness to disaster
Disorganized up the bend
For I truly mend
Seeking the truth
Knowing the way
Upon this Day
I shall hope
I shall strive
I will conquer everything
For I matter

Monday, June 12, 2023

Upon this day

Holding on to the truth
Guiding my soul to the noor
To know what it's meant to be this way
Crazy and insanity 
Baffled by the confusion not knowing what to do
Up down all around don't forget the mania
Such a way to be
Holding on to the insanity
Looking up to the sky
Calling to the Lord who is that
Allah the most Merciful, all Mighty
So we must hope for a cause
To carry on, wondering with this world
Seeking the light and truth
Finding something, for the light that calls to you
Go back to the basics
Stand your ground against the darkness
What is this noor meant to be
Oh so many emotions 
Positivity positive, ready to conquer my Nafs
Feeling the flow go up and down
Level but for a millisecond
I shook my heart, for I must be
Going to the Lord repenting your soul
This will give you closer to the light 
For seeking the knowledge
Define truth in what you need
I know what it is and that is one God in this world Allah the Almighty
Here I am worshiping, the best one can do
Is always seek the knowledge with in Deen
Ready to conquer all that comes
For Destiny allows me to be free
Freedom to choose
What's right or wrong?
Hopefully we'll make the right choices
I have my hope in my heart, whispering to my soul
Keeps on knocking to come for the Noor
Keep the peace for we need it
Blessed to be, keep the hope with Allah the Almighty all Merciful
Keep the peace
Having serenity you find this with a truth you seek

Saturday, June 10, 2023

limited time

As I swallow my pride
My desires arrive
Full of emptiness
I figured too many
Time to die
Am I a fool that it defines?
Time is but limited to the human eye
Time as the hour class goes shattered
A shame to be
That the insanity
That conquers my heart and make it so hardened
As the emptiness sweeps out
Surrounding my soul
I am here to conquer this desire 
But we be perfectly imperfect
Superficial is society
Judgmental to the heart
Fear is crossing me as the darkness speews in covering the emptiness
But inside the hole that I am that bees
My desire is to not see
For these emotions and desires are controlling my heart
I am strong for I am a rock within a river
The river calls to me
Am I really here?
River of emotions that I bear
Sensitive to the max
Are you offended that I am sensitive?
To go with the flow within the darkness and within the Noor
For we be striving
To better ourselves
To love one another
Just not myself
Do I desire something that's not needed?
The river flows down the waterfall as the tears sink the emotions
Am I strong and my brave even in my Insanity I be who I am
For life is a trial we all have

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Hoping for Peace

 The joys of emotions

As the time truly comes

Reckon its right in the darkness

Unable to cope

Will I conquer my nafs?

Upon a dirty deed what will some of me

Shall I bleed?

For the mercy upon my destiny 

Is but within solitude

Wondering within the doom

What come of this?

Shall dismiss, what shall I do?

Follow the noor

Basking in the light of the glorious diety

Seeking something more

Having willingness to be free

God said Be

So here I am wrecked beyond the bend

Seeking something

I am but a being

In this insanity

Of the world

What must come of this?

Dua is needed for only Allah brings them to miracles

Dhkr is needed in this life to keep on remembering

Keeping the heart light, full of noor

To dismiss the darkness

To enter the shadows, and silence the whispers

No more snickering for the destruction

Is done

For I am but a being in this temporary disaster of a worlds

I will truly grasp hope

Hoping for this insanity in my head to end

Will there be peace?

Only with Islam

So let it be, the light that resides in me

To be free


Thursday, May 25, 2023

galaxies of emotion

I am broken, I am burnt
Where to go from here
Is the Galaxies shift together
Every emotion comes to me
Within the millisecond it has changed so rapidly
Unable to cope
Unable to puff
Where to go from here
Do I fall to my knees
Calling to Allah
The Lord and Almighty
Am I free?
To be a disaster
Confusing to the max
These are the emotions, most felt
What will relieve me of these symptoms?
The word they say
What is this
Blinded by the insane membrane
I must find a way
Where to go, but to the beginning
Where it all started
Repeat go
Emotions up and down
All around, lock me up
Throw away the key
Do I deserve freedom?
I called to thy God
Hoping for a relief to this mind
Where to go from here?
Up or down
Up up up up to Cloud nine
Does this define
Down down to the ground
Worshiping the one and only
Allah the most merciful and just
He knows all your secrets
He sees the unseen
He knows your heart
So surrender yourself to him
Perhaps you can save yourself
From the desire of disaster
But here an I am
Being in this world of fools
Acquiring knowledge where I go
Well this truly be what destined for me?
Time can only tell, patience is needed
Don't forget to seek the truth
You will find your way

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

keeping up with clarity

Stained my life with uncertainty
Emotion hidden from the sanity
Keeping up with The darkness
Allowing The emptiness to consume
Finally down but not right dead
Will I conquer this?
 A challenge comes to mind
For the insanity consumes
Suffocation at the max
The desire to chase the high
The desire to consume insanity
Will clarity come to my mind?
Perhaps to follow serenity
Showing you the way
Guiding you to Hope
Hoping for a better day
As we live for today and tomorrow never comes
To set a goal, hoping that you can conquer it so
To live high but flying clean
Perhaps to live clean and desire to be clean
Instead of chasing the dragon
Confusion to the max not knowing what to do
Logic comes decipher it so
It's time to do the challenge
To move forwards to serenity
The move is mine?
Shall I take the step?
Perhaps the challenge needs to be met

Monday, May 22, 2023

Positively Confused

Where to start
To break away from the burden
Shall I be free?
Like a dashing star
Hoping for something more
Finding solitude with this excitement
Running down the stairs 
To not have a care
So what is this within 
What is destined?
Holding on to happiness to be taken
From the uncertainty
For hoping for more
Around to go
Hop stoch on the spot
Waiting for freedom
Hoping for this to stay
What may be?
What we need?
For the solitude, needs to stay at the bay
Let me be free
To chose
Hoping for nothing more, but Peace
Confused to the brink
Hoping for clarity
One must find answers
Be then with the clarity
To bring hope
Hope for today so tomorrow will not fade

Friday, May 19, 2023

Grasping Hope

Feeling the depression
Fully in grasp
Tender my heart, surely to crash
Upon the mood of the disorder
What is this indeed?
As emptiness bows to the darkness
Surely depression is here
Upon the mood
Does the it has to be a kaleidoscope
Moving so rapidly
Upon the deeds to come
Well there right or left
Upon my mind I surely am
Broken beyond the mend
Gathering my emotions
To not tumble 
To carry some courage
Trying to hope
For the darkness is near
As the light consumes
I fall so suddenly
Upon the deeds
Right or wrong
This life is a test 
Trails indeed
What we need, with the deeds
What will be next?
Upon the light to tell the tale
Something bright
Flickering within the night
The flame surely Burns
Upon the time to see
What is destined for me?
Beyond the dirty deed
Soaked beyond the wreckage
The flicker burns on
To follow the darkness, and ignite the light
What am I but a fool destined to burn
Falling for hope
Well this consume?
The emptiness of doom
Time shall surely tend to this
If one can hope for the future
Then perhaps upon the day you'll seek something that's needed
Be that light, be God just something meant for me myself and I 
To the seek the truth
Do not determine to leave the trail
Upon the truth I'm truly wrecked
The light consumes ever so brightly ever so warm
It brings my heart up and high
Perhaps this is time to breathe 
Even within the insanity

Friday, May 12, 2023

calculated rage

There's something that dwells inside
As it rips and turns your heart inside out
Has The echoes of insanity have conquered you
The warmth to the heart 
The fire within the soul
Moving to anger
Hurting oneself
The calculated chaos will never end
Will my wound surely mend
I fear the fire will burn 
Scorch me the whispers are here
Snicker here snicker there will it ever end
The fire has burned me for I'm ever so scarred from the insanity of life
Will the chaos ever end?
It seems that days go by
Your mood is fed up
Where to go from here
The fire rages on
Only for the rage to consume your soul
Wondering what will come of you as you held your fist high
To not Punch walls to not punch people but to only punch oneself
Crying on the mend
Will this ever end?
Upon time to come will tomorrow ever come
And yesteryear I was but full of serenity but this year is insane and the anchor inside has the rage going
Only to collapse from all the complicated things
Unknowing the future to be
Will I be full of insanity?
Will the rage still be here?
So many questions and no answers
Unable to cope
Shall I burn?
Perhaps I shall take the blade
But instead I take the rage in my fist
To my head for the insanity is here
And as each punch hits the temple you wonder
This be the end of all the suffering
You worry if you can mend at all
Chaos is near and dear
Upon Insanity do you hear
The whispers of chaos coming near
Breathe truly breathe
Within this Destiny we shall be
Something but insanity
Will I ever truly be free

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Seeking wanting something more

Light and darkness mixes together
Causing nothing but an equal equality
Needing to be full of this insanity
If not, who am I?
I am but a perfectly imperfect being
Full of flaws within this humanity
And one truly needs that hope inside
The great supreme, all knowing, the most merciful
Who is this indeed?
Allahu the great and Almighty 
What has he set for us
But a test
A pain, happiness, and carnage
But what have we done but forsaken ourselves
A twisted turn for humanity
Truly is this what's meant to be
Perhaps because life is not easy for it is a test, and are not easy
Let me Be Happy
Let's have a hope 
Is truly needed for you and I, and humanity
Bickering with self with all the voices inside
One does not know what to do
So seek refuge in the heart
Sincerity is the key
Life is full of insanity
But I truly breathe
To feel my destiny
Day by day I breathe ever so deeply
I truly need to seek refuge in the Lord indeed
I find myself withered away
Truly I am within the light
For I have not given up on life
I strive to have hope
I survived to please
Who but Allah the great and Almighty
Let It Be that I find serenity
To seek hope to truly breathe
Within this life of insanity
I am but being

Monday, May 8, 2023

On the path

I am happy for this time
Walking towards serenity
I am good like the sun that shines on this world
I am but fresh air to a stale room
The chaotic state of the mind
Bends and turns within this time
Disaster soon to come
I am sad, I am mad
The rage that burns within my mind
The chaos that rages within my heart
The darkness that consumes the soul
Is this me disaster about?
Time to be
Within this destiny
Working towards certainty
Acquiring hope, on the mend
The mind is consumed by Bliss
This time I shall not dismiss
Serenity on the path, chaos put at bay
Hoping for something more
I am happy I am glad
Even when I'm sad
For I have hope
Enough for now
Hoping for more
Seek the good, nothing more

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Truly Breathe

Disperse the seeds of anxiety
Unable to bend to resort
Working towards happiness
The kindness with us
To let me breathe so fully
Even within the storm, hurricanes of emotions 
Tumbling down mania on the bend
Truly one seeks to mend
Unable to cope, but surely can still hope
Desires to deeds
Within this insanity
Is this truly what is destined?
Is this truly me
Let me breathe, ever so deeply
To be free, to truly need
Working towards recovery, on the mend
I must bend to not break
Rebuilding on the mend
Truly trying is spent
Within this world
Disperse the seeds of anxiety
Working for serenity, to truly breathe

Friday, April 14, 2023

Brief Moments

Where to go from here oh humanity?
To follow the way into the cycle
In this cycle there's but chaos and brief moments of bliss
Does this define
Suffocating to the max
The insanity goes on
Destruction to the max
Wanting, needing, nothing more
Looking into the heart and soul
Away from the Insanity
To bring serenity to the chaos
Having hope, something more
Look to the light
Where to go?
Upon my deeds within my insanity
Looking for what I need
Hoping, loving, having peace
To to prostrate to thee Almighty
That is with Allah
Striving within this strife
Peace is in the heart only within Islam
Not broken beyond the bend, but rebuilding so I can mend
Our miracles will be from our duas
For Allah is the most gracious, the most merciful
The one and only Allah
Holding on, within the doom
For but brief moments of bliss
Even within the insanity
That is following peace
Upon Time Will Tell
Only to strive on
Ever so ever more

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Dismiss darkness

Broken Beyond dreams
Unable to see
Wanting to need
The desires that be
Pondering upon Time
What will come in the end?
Darkness lingers, sweeping in the doom
Walking within the mist
Surely to dismiss
The unhappiness that conquers
Heart and soul ripped from being
Walking into chaos
Waiting for the doom
Wanting nothing but for darkness to end
Where to go from here?
I call upon the God almighty
To grant me the serenity of my heart
To give me courage to fight the darkness
And here it comes knocking
That light that comes
To consume self
To let the light flow
Finding peace ever so
Wanting the solitude to end
For I am alone
For I am not afraid, for Allah is by my side
I call upon thee Lord
My supplication to him only
Clashing serenity clashing chaos
Where to go from here?
To follow the Noor
Or the darkness
Let there be peace with this sanity
Here on a path
Wanting nothing more
But for serenity to consume
Will this ever come to be?
Upon this time of insanity

Monday, April 10, 2023

Desires of Hope

Where to go from here?
Running on a railroad
Of the never ending cycle
The cycle of Chaos
Up to the cloud
Up to Cloud 9
Does this define
Is that just fine?
What to do from here
Say many questions never any answers
Suffocating unable to grasp
What is this hope that everyone desires?
I just want to be me
Even if that is full of insanity
I truly plea with the Lord indeed
Striving to fight the blade
Fighting the flame
For the devour is near
Shall this be what Fate has destined me
Shall I rip from my bearings of the chain
Falling to darkness
Seeking something that is right
Within this light
Shall one find this hope
Calling to the Lord indeed
That is what is meant to be
In my Dua to Allah 
I seek serenity away from the chaos of confusion
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
And surely shall he grant me the courage to overcome my desires
Striving on
Through the cycle of Chaos
To find the path to serenity
To bring hope to the heart and soul
Let It Be within this world of insanity
Hope today so tomorrow does not fade away

Sunday, April 9, 2023

What is humanity but perfectly imperfect
Within the world full of fools
Foolish for the deen
For the desires that be
Is one but a fool in this world if they admitted this
We are but in the cycle of Chaos
For this world be doom
As everything is written for Destiny
So here we are being
Within this world of calculated chaos
To bring hope near and dear
To reckon with the light
To be but a fool within the world of chaos
To bring a pathway to the heart
So let it be let it be
Humanity perfectly imperfect
Ready to see
What will come indeed

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Dillusion of worth

Striving always
Wanting more, ever so more
Here to stay, reckon with the Noor
Dare to be, so slightly insane
Words echo with my heart
Where to go? What is hope?
Unable to cope, falling for the Nafs
The najs desires of life 
Here I am ever so slightly insane
Hoping for something
To keep the chaos at bay
Where to go from here?
Shall there be a care
Blinded From the dillusion
What is this illusion?
Ever so more, to seek more
Seek the noor, where is that?
The sanity of the light
Relief but a second
Worthwhile ready to burst
Free to be, worth it
Needing to be
So happy to survive this chaos
Serenity is near and dear
For I am guaranteed peace
Even within the insanity
I am worthwhile
Ready for the brim
Peace, hope
Something more
Here to stay
Breaking the whispers
As the patterns appear
I shall seek what Noor leads
Following the way
With the Lord indeed
Allah the Almighty
Hope for me
Insane but not lost
Seeking serenity
Hoping for something more
Finding peace of mind
Let me breathe
Upon this insanity, let me be
Striving always

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Haze of confusion

Is it too late?
Defined what hope is
To wonder what hope wants to be
To be saught within doom
Am I too late? Bring what hope wants to be
To find happiness in the dirty deeds
And I Ponder so much with the insane desires and deeds
Having nothing but a mania phase
Manic on the bend tearing away from the mend
Walking away from the light
To find darkness awaiting
For slumbers within my heart
Conquered by my desires
I'm able to want more
Wondering if this is meant to be
As despair reckons me
So seek thee, that oneness the Almighty
For times of despair shall bring repair
To the heart and soul
On the bend of the mend
What to do from here
Strive within the doom
Strive within the insanity
On a railroad running to the end
The trains coming with this Insanity
1 2 3 on the deeds
To strive within the strife of life
To recognize what is right
Thick and thin the confusion of the haze
But be amazed
The power that be has destined me
To be full of insanity
Needing to be free
Striving in the insanity

Monday, March 27, 2023

seek noor

Swallowing fear
Hoping to comprehend
The terror within the heart
As The whispers come so silently within the mind
As they scream so loudly
Why must this be this way
Stuck in the insanity of the abyss
Lost within the mist
But a beacon of light comes
That is peace of the heart
The soul that bears reckoning
From what is this light
As it comes knocking on door
Wanting to consume the darkness
To bring hope to the mind
Has the solitude brings despair
And who shall surely care
That shall be self
Self-love is needed
But I am defeated
So the light that I reckon
Will come to me
Even within this insanity
Wanting, needing, something that is right
Within this light
I shall deem what is right
To not disappoint
To break free
From this chaotic insanity
So I plea and plea
With the Lord Almighty
And that is light in itself
That is life
But a test without a struggle is nothing
To strive on
To conquer the darkness and to embrace the light
Perhaps that is what is needed
Within this chaotic world of insanity

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Artificial Bliss

Look to the sky
Will I cry?
Upon a time to come
Standing at the base
Hoping for solitude
These whispers conquer
Taking the heart, breaking to pieces
Stuck in the abyss
Shall I dismissed?
What will come
Of this insanity
I plea with this world
To hear, to see pass the illusion
Perhaps this is a delusion
Happiness but something that is gone
Artificial Bliss, what will come if I miss
Here within the doom
I shall devastate thyself
Reaper please come for me
The fight goes on
The everlasting war
Hear my Battle cry
As I scream so silently
So lightly
Let It Be
Within this of insanity
Will I be pleading with the Lord indeed
I call upon Allah
Save me from myself
For I am the destroyer
For I am the devourer
For I am a warrior
I shall Trek on
In this artificial Bliss shall I truly dismiss
To finally breathe so freely
So deeply
Let me breathe, pass the powers that be
Come on follow me
In the calculated chaos of this world
I shall not be defeated
I shall carry on
What will come of me
Time shall truly tell
Patience for the heart
Solitude within destiny
Let me breathe so deeply
Just breathe

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Foolish Warrior

Am I but a fool
Stuck in this foolish world
Unable to comprehend
Breaking into pieces
Crumbling at disaster
Despair within the heart
All of these things are here
Why must this be
Do I deserve this?
I hate myself
I do not love myself
For if I did I would not ready the blade
Despair conquers my heart
Hopelessness sweeps me into the darkness
Hate burdens me
What will come of this
Disaster will come
Maniac of Bliss
Shall I dismiss
Unable to cope
Shall there be hope
What is that
Where to find
Where to go
What is needed
That is light
To conquer the darkness
For hope will conquer all
Where to find this indeed
It's quite easy you see
Fall down and prostrate to thee Almighty
Worshiping so lightly
Ever so tightly
Does my heart feel
Hope is needed
Within the heart there is but a small light
Flickering within the haze
Almost going out
It shines brighter
What is this
That I feel
That is peace
That is Islam
Oh Allah
Have mercy on me
For the darkness conquers me
I'm ever so weak
With you Allah I am strong
I will strive on
Fighting against the darkness at every moment
I am but a warrior
Within this light
I shall dismiss this despair
Opening my arms to Bliss
That is Islam that is peace of the heart and soul

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

the Infinity of Chaos

Crumbling from desires
Standing as an Empire
Over the masses of the mind
Starting to turn face
Facing everything at once
Overbearing oneself
Crumbling to disaster
Where to find self
Falling into chaos
Unable to cope
The dirty desires are done
For the monster inside
Devours my soul
So lonely and empty inside
Up we go to Cloud 9
Does this define
The times that one can be full of glee
Times turn over and over again
Up to the mania of the chaos
Only to shift again
Now I'm balanced but for a minute
To shift again
Up down all around
Here I am in the insanity of my mind
The infinity
Until the end chaos shall reign
My heart burns ever so
The fire inside burning so brightly
To take the Noor in
For we be rebuilding
Taking control
To confirm that this may be the way
Solitude not alone
For the fear of loneliness may be gone
Where to find Hope
Where to find Grace
What will come of this
Serenity of the heart
Only for about a minute
Counting the minutes as they go by
Striving on, here we go into the chaos
Taking control, allowing the light to consume
The fire inside burn so lightly
Hope inside is bright, so we be
In the everlasting circle
This time we have serenity on our side
So the lighthouse shines brightly inside the soul
A beacon to the solitude
Bringing serenity in
That is what is needed to conquer
The mania, finally I'm free
To be truly me
Within this insanity
There be but Noor
Within my heart
Shining brightly
Bringing peace
That is what is needed

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

insomnia wonders

3:00 a.m. wonders
Tightness in my chest
Unable to comprehend
Anxiety at the max
Unable to slumber
Tick tock on the clock
What to do from here?
Up down all around
The mind you see is up and down
How about I come around
I plea so silently
To who indeed
That is Allah the Almighty
3:00 a.m. fun
Not knowing what to do
Mindful of the situation
Despair will come
Hope will disappear
As the clock goes on
Nearly 4:00 am
Wanting to slumber
Unable to do so
Critical to the max
Hoping to hit the pillow
Hoping to hold onto sanity
I can upon the Lord indeed
To save me from myself
The bad deeds, surely reap 
Mania bursting at brim
Unable to comprehend
Why must I be this way?
Hoping for this chaos to end
Insomnia here it comes
Mind deprived of sanity
Surely the insaniac
Full of insomnia
Can strive to do better
To Hope, to overcome despair
Ponders that will never end
So we shall depend
Upon the Lord indeed
Shall save me from my insanity
Truly is this what is needed within this despair
Truly let's climb the stairs
Holding on to hope
Wanting something more
Insomnia wanting more
Ponders and wonders ever more

Monday, March 20, 2023

Rooftop Fool

Sitting here on the roof top
Making me wonder, of this glorious world
Who am I?
A fool within the world of fools
Pondering a time that has passed
Broken into peices
Sitting here wondering
What is next?
The day comes as the clouds roll endlessly
Over my head, what wonder this world is
Am I a disappointment?
What will come of this ponder
Here I am sitting full of serenity
I breathe the breaths of freedom
I am free, I will conquer my desires
I truly need strength to overcome this storm
With my heart so burdened
By the troubles of the world
I am but perfectly imperfect
A human within this world
A care taker, as it was destined
The world to vast
Here I am
Pondering until another storm comes
I rise to realize that time that demands us
Is but limited
So make the best of what we have
Ponder those thoughts
Make them into actions
To bring peace to the heart and soul
To bring peace to the world

Sunday, March 19, 2023


Dashing through uncertainty 
Where you go from here?
Finding something that is wanted, needed
The light that leads one
Wanting something more
Hiding from the doom
As the Nafs conquer me
Following the way
The Noor
What is this
The light inside me
I breathe holding in destiny
Breaking into disaster
The mania here
Out of control
So I seek
The Noor
Following the way
To find Hope at the end of the tunnel of vision
Even with the disaster
Of bipolar
I breathe, even when the pain speaks to the
Destined to fail
The mind surely is bent
Beyond destination
One can hope
Keep on holding on
Never giving in to najs thoughts
Shall I be
Free finally to hope
Wanting nothing but to Hope
So I will
Ponder on within my destiny 
To breathe, to finally be
Free from the shackles of the past
Burdened so
I shall not give to the disaster
I shall recovery
I shall arrive only to strive
Within this world of calculated Chaos

Friday, March 17, 2023


 am but a blank slate

Ready for anything to come

I am within my solitude

Within doom to be

Devastate my heart
Has each pin points

Shall I fall to the dirty deed

Within this destiny

Shall I truly need

What's meant to be

Within this mind that sees

Upon the time that needs

Let it be upon this time of insanity

Seeking what might be of clarity

To find that serenity of the heart and soul

I am but rebuilding

Broken not beyond the bend

Fitting everything together again

I am but broken, gluing the pieces together

To bring something of a masterpiece to be

Will there be help beyond thee

Perhaps this is what is destined for me

Pin cushion destiny

Heart needed within this

So revealed within destiny

Let it be let it be

Pin cushioned Bliss

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


Prepaid Bliss
But on the blitz 
Here we are
Seeking something not real
Artificial Bliss but only to dismiss
Up in the sky, shall defy what had been written for me
There's the need to be bad at deeds
Mania on the bend
I be trying to mend
Up up to Cloud 9
Does this define the prepaid Bliss
Of the artificial Bliss
Running on the treadmill into sanity
Only to drop down to the ground
Down again coming to darkness
Here we go again
Upon the time
This time I will mend
Surely not to bend
To be firm allowing serenity
To help me
Breathing just every so nicely
Breathe here there everywhere
Life may be slightly off putting, but sanity in near always
Dare to live, upon today

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Seeking the way

Do you truly call thee
For you be good or bad
The choice is yours
To seek what is right
To follow a desire
What will come
So many choices to make
Perhaps the time will come
With a shining purity will come
Showing its light to you
So seek the noor
Away from najs nafs
Bringing happiness to the heart
Bringing peace to serenity
We be good but evil
That be humanity to a key
What is right
Perhaps this is a tightrope
Trying to balance one's soul
Wobbling as one walks
Trying to not look down at the spare
Having desires to look up at purity
Follow your deeds, make them good with balance
Avoid the darkness
Seek the light
For darkness truly brings despair
Following the Noor
Will this be truth
Bringing peace to the heart
That is serenity
To bring me through the thick uncertainty
Being a beaming light
Guiding those
To Hope
Bringing happiness here and there
That is what is needed
In this world of despair
Of clarity we shall be
Away from the chaos deeds
So seek the way
Perhaps it will save you someday