Saturday, December 31, 2022

Devastated is the heart
As it piles and piles
Conceptions of uncertainty
Devastated is the heart
At the emotions that flow ever so
For them to rip and tear
Devastated is the heart
For humanity does not care
Not a care in this world
Upon this Day
Perhaps my heart shall be in the light
For the truth will always prevail over the dismay
The heart is light
So perhaps this is right
Devastated at times
Honorary gold star
Honor student on the badge
Wearing my heart on my sleeve
Tarnished as I seem to be
But with this light in my heart
Perhaps I will turn the tide
Hoping, wanting, and needing
Bow down to the Lord indeed it for he will soothe your heart
As devastated it will be
For God to soothe your heart
Finally free from the disaster
Reaping in the Bliss
And I hope I will not dismiss
Because I surely will miss
This hope

Friday, December 30, 2022

Midnight Ponder

What is right?
Perhaps this might be the guide
I feel a pull inside of me
Unable to comprehend if it's right
Instead the uncertainty sets
Causing doubts within eman
Wanting nothing more but to understand
Having confusion to the max
Unable to comprehend hope
Darkness is here and near
It's slumbers upon humanity
But God said Be and here we are being
I'll be walking the deen in this Dunya
This corrupt world
Darkness within the heart
Corruption within the soul
Is this right?
Perhaps this is what light truly is
What would light be if there was no darkness to counter?
I've fallen to the ground
Was this fall meant to be?
Confusion to the max
Fear of what is different
But is this right?
My soul yearns for what is right
Even in the muck of confusion
I can see what the truth is
Even in the darkness
There shall be the light knocking
Screaming to let in
For the heart has hardened
For all the self-hate
Within myself
Am I right to accept the light?
When darkness corrupts my soul
Here I am pondering upon insanity
Is this truly meant for me?
Walking destruction
Chaos as I go
Calculated chaos
I'm able to comprehend this
But I cannot comprehend what the light is
For my soul is tarnished
Broken Beyond Bend
Shattered Beyond limit
And I scream and I scream so silently
Why must I be this way?
In the everlasting fight
Up down all around insanity is here
For the motions are going
Over and over again
Will this be different this time?
Perhaps time will tell
Before it's too late
And I end it all
Where is this hope?
Where to find?
So many statements
Labels ever so
I am but me
Within this insanity
I find that there is only one worthy of worship
That is Allah the almighty the most beneficial the most merciful
So seek him always
For darkness shall always be overcome by the light
For Allah is that noor
So perhaps I should follow the way
Being pulled from every direction
Here I am pondering upon my soul
Midnight fun here we go

Monday, December 26, 2022

hope on happiness

Falling into the darkness
Standing at the wall of solitude
To Bear witness
That insanity is what deems me to be
Is this my jihad?
A true struggle
Needing something more
Running on the railroad
Wanting it all to end
To slip on sanity
To know what comes with doom
To reckon what is right
Perhaps it is in this light
But darkness fades into thy heart
Here I am wrecking my mind
Broken, tarnished and wrecked
Shall I dismiss the abyss
Does this mean that I'm lost indeed
Do I know what this means
I scream and scream
Reckoning with the Almighty
What is meant for me them and I
Are those whispers so deeply real?
Upon this time
Upon the light
Upon hope
To find Hope
To grasp it within all
Infinity everlasting love
Sought by all
Destruction is here
Shall it be pure
The pain, the tarnish and the doom
What will become of me?
Within what is deemed
Chaotic of the heart
A blade to the skin
Repeating one on one
What does this mean to be
Broken Beyond perhaps I can redeem
For sanity is needed
To acquire this hope
To keep your grasp
Shall I seek thy Lord
For him to conquer the darkness within my heart
Seeking refuge with Allah from the acursed Satan
Let this happiness be
Afraid not of what is come to be
Can I be free to want happiness
For maybe the illusion of the heart
For this is my delusion
That happiness is attainable
For the delusion is of the mind madness conquers all
Breaking my soul open to the Lord
To save me from myself
To let me accept
What the true light is
One can only hope

Thursday, December 22, 2022


What am I?
Am I defeated?
Broken beyond the bend
Seeking solitude of the heart
For the emotions are overbearing
As they sway in and out of the heart
Devastating every motion
Perhaps not
For the light inside is knocking
Knocking on the darkness
Breaking its way through
For light will prevail
For it seeks the solitude to save you
Defeated I think not
Striving onwards always
When broken beyond the bend 
I am but rebuilding
Seeking the Noor
Treading through the darkness
Never giving in
Struggling to prevail
But what is life without jihad
Striving onwards towards the light
Away from the darkness
Away from the Snickers
To find true solitude but within the light
Unity with heart and soul
Reckoning that this is right for me
Yet bicker on and on if devastation shall be
In this everlasting cycle of Chaos
For insanity is here, near, and dear
Part of me
So let it be even within this insanity
Life of deeds
Strive on words
Finally let it be

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Running 4 hope

Running on the stairway
Not knowing where to go
Head for the stairs to the bottom
For the darkness heeds the heart
It shifts and turns, the blade sways unto every being
To find emptiness, broken
Am I disappearing?
What will become of me

Looking towards the Noor
Up the stairs
Running for bliss
I breathing clearly
As high as I come
The Lord calls me
My soul draws near
Almost to the top
Striving, determined, and wanting something more
We are but slaves to Allah
Seek to please him
What is this noor
Everlasting bliss
That I shall not dismiss
I'm here being
As God says to Be

The Lord I reckon it's light
Meaning for all
Creation deserves to be saved
Saving yourself and then others
Never giving up
Running on the stairway
Knowing finally at the moment what to do
To strive for the Noor
To find serenity
Please bring this Bliss
For you and I

Monday, December 19, 2022

The Heart

My heart is beating within my chest
Going to the rhythm not knowing what to do
Stuck in this chaos
The cycle of insanity
And let us plea with the Lord indeed
To seek refuge in the Almighty
From The whispers of the Satan
In the cycle of Chaos
I strike on daring not to fret
The chaos in the heart
Ripped my soul to flesh
The Ecstasy of the Cloud 9
Stripped of humanity
Burden by destruction
To cut to save a life
To burn to stop to cut
To rip beyond the bend
Rock and roll
Here we are
On the chaos
A cycle for you
Within this chaotic humanity
For thy seek thy Lord
In times of destruction
Shall I seek the peace?
Bringing happiness at every desire
Not leaving happiness to The psychotic mania
Running on the railroad not knowing what to do
Perhaps happiness is not attainable
For the cycle of chaos has everlasting
To rip, cut, and burn
What will come next indeed
Will it be insanity
Or will it be a test for me
Seeking serenity
Wanting peace
Truly finding this
With the faith of the heart
Lose not hope
But lose the destruction of the heart
Let me breathe deeply
For the insanity that breeds within my heart indeed
I'm saved for myself from God almighty
For he is the one that will save you from the insanity
So please plea with the Lord 
For me save your soul one way or another
Remember keep the peace within the heart
And the insanity at bay
Don't forget to plea
Even within this insanity

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Where to go from here?
Devastated by the darkness
Unable to comprehend what we call Hope
Is life worthwhile?
To stand tall
Not letting the world break you down
Wanting nothing more, but to strive on
Where to find the song
The harmony of the heart that beats
Bringing it to a rhythm
As the shadow moves in and out of the heart
I reckon the Noor is ready to emerge
Broken but Not Bent
Bend the way you want
Devastated me
Within this confusion that is deemed for me
To take the knife
So delicately 
Swaying in and out 
Crimson Bliss flows
I want nothing but destruction of my heart
I want nothing but peace
Will the devastation be
Destined for me
Within this insanity
Whimpering for the Almighty
Nothing but serenity
That be found with what the one and only
See not I, the illusional state
To think what is next
But to follow the way
To the Noor
So the darkness doesn't comprehend
How to over come darkness?
The everlasting insanity
Reckon I am in the right
Free to seek thy Lord
Wanting nothing
But bliss 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Dusting off the shelves

Exposing the way

Where to go next

From the mighty years of experience

From the good and bad of life

To strive on always

Even in the pit of the Abyss

When darkness runs through your veins

Devastated by the emotion

Free to choose

Free to be

Within what we seem to be destiny

For choices are what we need

To make the choice to strive on and wanting more

No more wallowing within the abyss

I shall dismiss the negative emotions

To be fulfilled with contentment no even within the darkness that seems to be always

Sometimes we fall to the ground

Broken Beyond Bend

Time to start again

1 2 3 here we go

Strive on right there

Work hard always

Conquer your desires

Move within Good deeds

Shall you seek what is Right indeed

A royal degree

Children of Destiny

The shelves are ready, the books are aligned

Standing back looking at yourself 

At your knowledge that is attained

Standing tall

Wanting more

Fighting the darkness

Breaking the bend

Having sanity

I will always strive

Even in the divided times

Blessed be this Life indeed

Friday, December 16, 2022

Puffin on Cloud 9

Staring down the path
Where to go from here
At a crossroad way to a railroad
Where to ever go
Up up to Cloud 9
Smoked up get high
Fall into the chaos of the doom
With not knowing what to do
You inhale the Bliss and exhale the bad inhale the Bliss 
Up to Cloud 9 where but to the stairway to heaven
Ready to Blade
Touching the skin
Slice through like a knife to some butter
Legend of crimson darkness come out of your name
Unable to comprehend
Not knowing what to do
Seeking the high for the escape
Is this meant to be
In this world of insanity
So do I plead and plead and plead with the Lord indeed
To save me from myself for he is the only one that is saviour
To fall to the ground in the surrendering myself
To the wide opening world do I worship the Lord
Where to find myself stuck in the abyss
Will I be able to dismiss?
On the town on the phone what to do
Reaching out looking for some hope
Unfortunately everyone's tired of the despair
But life doesn't get better you just get a better understanding
For the library of time is 
What you experience in this world
Up the Cloud 9 not knowing what to do
Thinking on putting this world maybe that'll do
Am I a bad person because I hate myself
Am I a bad person because I'm horrible to myself
I'm crazy in my mind
Can't comprehend hope
So I escaped with the dragon puff puff go
Inhale exhale ready let's go
Here comes the hope of artificial happiness
What to find in this insane world indeed
Perhaps some Harmony is found with deeds
Remember the smallest of deeds are the best don't ever mind others of them
Be the rest of the world do not care
We do not live for humanity
But for God you see
For he created us and the universe indeed
Who are we to argue with him?
1 2 3 not knowing what to do
Stuck on Insanity happiness too
The artificial happiness is an illusion
Stuck within the delusion of the world
When will this pain and not knowing what to do
Perhaps my time will come sooner maybe too

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The Rise

As the sun touches the surface
We begin to rise
As the bird song calls us
Wanting nothing but to slumber more
Only to have something so lovely within your heart
Come indeed for it is time to pray 
The dawn is here to start the day
The birds sing with the morning dew
To face thy Lord
Seeking refuge in Allah
And worshiping him Almighty
Has fajr begins to fade in the sun begins to rise
The nafs begin
So today a day
New to come
Experience to the max
Strive on

Monday, December 12, 2022

con 2 the fusion

Getting the bubble is about to burst
Screaming so insanely
Pulled to the edge
Sanding mourning but for this to end
Looking at the edge
Wanting to take a leap
Feeling sunken 
Like an old ship
Young but old
Will I wake ever
From this illusion
It's this reality
The shade falls to my heart
Suffocating they light
Darkness shall reign
Creeping emtional damage
Broken beyond the bend

Here I am
Standing tall
For Allah will save me from myself
For Islam is the best of the medication you could take
Allah the most forgiving the most loving
He is the greatest of all
Allahu Akbar
Am I free
Finally from these shackles they lock my light away
I recite so slightly
The confusion
It conquers my mind

But still thy Lord
I am broken aspired to rebuild
From the strength you have given me
We be free
To choose
Are you ready?
I know I am

Sunday, December 11, 2022

To Seek

Searching everlasting searching
Pondering upon time within insanity
What will come from pondering?
Perhaps one would be wallowing in the abyss
Not knowing why
Screaming so silently
Why must I be?
Within this tarnish deeds
I find serenity
To plea with the Lord indeed
For he is the only one worthy of worship
Allah the Almighty
Lost within the darkness
Just a flicker of the Noor
Is enough to conquer
For light will always overcome the shade
To be in Redemption from being tarnished
Are you ready for me?
Where to go?
Simply be
With sabr that brings hope
So I still scream
But what Joy indeed
Even within this insanity
I simply am being
For Allah said be
So here I am being within the insanity
Practicing sabr an acquiring ilm
Beating within my every being
Allowing the emotions to not overcome me
To bring happiness indeed
That is what is needed
Where to find you say
Look to the Lord
For he is Almighty All Merciful
So let it be let it be
Destined to be within the insanity
Hoping for peace

Friday, December 9, 2022

Suffering Hope

What is life?
To suffer beyond recognition
Burdened by aniexty
Devastated hurt
Wham bang boom
As the wave hits me
Every emotions flow through
My being
Is but insanity
Happiness is but an illusion
For it over here to be happy
It means Chaos is ready
To surface
The mania ready to light the freeway
Running on milliseconds
It burns, buring emotions
Unable to comprehend
What is hope?
To acquire what you want
You want money
You want love
Then one must work
Maniac on the bend
Edge walker
Am I ready to jump?
Hop scotch
On the way
Leaping over the hurdles
Of the destiny
Coming to an end
The chaos begins to settle
Am I free?
Well this end?
The cycle of chaos
Infinite loop of insanity
Falling to my knees
Begging Allah indeed
Well he save me?
From the destruction of my heart
One can only hope

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

To much

Up and down and all around
Hip hop hippity hoppity hop
How Grand it seems
Running around
Unable to grasp for what reality is
Dizzy beyond the bend
Hear the trumpets roar
Blasting the sound so soundly
Confusion to the max
Unable to comprehend what you know is
Unable to do anything but be
Not knowing what reality is
Surely this is not the delusion
Within this life that seems like an illusion
Falling to my knees not knowing what to do
Come to a fork in the road which way to go indeed
I reckon it's right for me
Perhaps it's left indeed
I split with no conclusion
And this is truly a delusion
Perhaps now but that's then perhaps the insanity will come then
Tick tock on the clock
Conclusion will this ever end
Hop hop hippity hop hop
Where do you want to go?
Will this Insanity ever end
I just want to know what reality is
Is that too much to ask for

Wednesday, November 30, 2022


Here I am being
Upon this time
Bearing all emotions
Beating the drum
The war cry calls
Allahu Akbar
God is the greatest
I ready my blade 
That is one recited so
I reckon I'm ready
To beat this jihad
To have a glorious victory
Having nothing but bliss within society
Heaven knows I'm miserable
But here I am knocking on the door
To my eman
As the door opens
The light flows into me
Giving me courage to overcome the darkness
To break free of the insanity
To finally breathe freely

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Dancing into the night sky
Making a mess, not knowing what to do
Dancing upon the galaxies
Lovely as it seems to be
As the Aurora calls to you
Shimmering within the night sky ever so
Tranquility comes to be as you dance around
Having nothing but serenity within your heart
You leep with quickly with Bliss
Upon your dancing in your prancing around the Stars
A comet passes by as a shooting star
You wish upon that star that passes
For the night skies she'll stay for serenity is needed
To dance within the sky
Within the Aurora that calls her
She dances so lovely living nothing but absolute bliss
Dancing upon the Stars within the galaxies that be
Destined to dance
Destined to be with Glee
Having Harmony
What is needed
Dance upon your heart and soul
Being a edgewalker to the doom
But as the night calls me
Serenity is with me upon the Aurora that needs me
Dance dance until you have no thing left to do and you fall to your knees not knowing what you need but slumber to come
Let the rest come to be as the sun rises and the dancer goes to sleep to rest until the next night when she prances upon the Galaxy sky

Rebuilding the steps

I am broken they say
I said I am rebuilding
Upon hope this time
As the hour glass of time flows
One step with destined to be
Two steps running to serenity
Three steps free to be
Four steps more I want something more
Five steps calling to thy Lord
Allah save me from myself
Here comes serenity
Bringing peace to my heart and soul
Destined to rebuild
Never giving up
For I am not alone
For Allah is with me
I pray to thee
Thee Almighty
So let it be
Broken and rebuilding

Monday, November 28, 2022


As the sun rises
I find myself conquered
But not in dismay
In Serenity's time
The hurt will fade away
Bringing something that has been lost
The hope to overcome the hopelessness
To stop the crimson from flowing
To stop those Snickers in the head
To seek refuge
To need peace
Where to find this indeed
Salah is needed
Allah does not need it he does not need anything 
He's absolute and all knowing
Prayer is for you
As It centers oneself
You feel the noor come in
Breathing so lightly
As one recite so briefly
It seems like seconds go by as you recite
Within the insanity blessed be
Confusion to the max not knowing what to do
I tried to center myself to Allah 
Do not lose my temper to not let the chaos bring destruction
For this is time of serenity
Blessed be in this insanity
Confusion not knowing what to do
But by instinct I do
I Fall to my knees and prostrate 
To the Almighty
Allah I seek You Even in this confusion and abyss of delusion
I find myself with the serenity with you
Finding myself not knowing what to do
To reflect on society to reflect on self to reflect on their Deen
I am here conquering my nafs
And I seek refuge in God always

The Flicker of noor

Flickering within the soul
Is the Noor what one needs
As society turns turn humanity
Here comes a breeze, yes the nafs indeed
The desires mix and blend
One another breaking down
Unable we are to agree
But finally
We find the light
Where you say?
Don't worry it will be okay
Destined to breath
With life
That is from the one only
Allah the most beneficial the most merciful
How do we find Allah?
Quite simple
Find the Haq
Find the truth
Don't forget
He watches always
But as your accept your qadar
You will brighten
For the best
So let you soul rest with Allah
That is serenity
Thanks to God
You let me breath
You love me
Even when I hate myself and everything
I find peace with Islam
Within this destiny
For you and them and I
Are brighter than the sun
For Islam is the light
So seek the truth
Open your heart
Be free of the doubts
Bring happiness
Smile don't forget

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Striving for Noor

Following this path into the abyss of the forest in the mist
Only to come to a conclusion where the heart resides
Where to find that Noor?
Why do I demand such things to be gone?
Burden so by society I am
I followed the floor
The carpet laid out for me
I follow the path into the night
To arise at dawn ready for the day
To raise my hands and say
Allahu Akbar
Shall I be this way?
Stuck within Bliss
I shall dismiss this darkness that resides
Allowing the light inside
Here I am pondering
Upon time to come soon
Will there ever be an end to all this disaster?
Only time will tell for that to be
So recognize these
Love those who need
Help humanity
Guide one another to the Noor
Upon this day that's risen
I shall call upon my prayer
Let there be peace within my heart
I shall find serenity within this indeed
Ready for a deed
Ready to begin
Ready to start again
Onwards to strive on

Saturday, November 26, 2022


Falling through the wall
Going to the well
Perhaps this is what is meant to be
Standing in the solitude is what we need
So to say this indeed does it mean it's true
Is it calling for attention when one is reaching out
Can one not be sick and reach for help
Standing within the midst of the solitude
Upon Time
Disaster is upon us
The flame is ready
To like something to burn the heat to learn
Painful indeed or no or no what to do what oh no
Am I a fool that I want to do this
Am I right in my mind and I shall dismiss
I am writing my heart out like I have nothing but it is on my sleeve my heart indeed
What we need to see in this reality
Carnage here disaster there up here they're here
1 2 3 4 5 I count them all
Small whispers turned to loud voices not knowing what to do
To listen to them to know if it's meant to be this way
So I ready the blade
What to do indeed
But to be a fool within this world
Foolish indeed 
Perhaps serenity will come
These desires are conquering me
Burdening me
As I wallow in despair
My heart and soul are corrupt
I am but tarnished beyond recognition
To stop to feel to need to want to give to take this is humanity
Upon the day to come as the sun 
Despair seems to come and go
On the roller coaster in the cycle of chaos the Infinity of disaster
Show one see what one will be
In this insanity that needs me

The demands

To the starting line
Upon this time
What demands of us?
What do we need?
Will these things bring serenity?
Ask these questions when we are corrupted
Within our destined desire
We find that we are no match for "He"
Who is this the most supreme the most merciful Allah indeed
Bang was the race on the go
Starting off at a steady flow
As the hurdles begin to come
Somebody struggling to jump over them
But those who matter most are those who strive
Who fall to the ground but get back up
The ones who do not give up
Running to the end 
Wanting nothing but desires to fade
Wanting no happiness no Love no hate nothing
I want to be an empty inside 
 I don't want to feel anymore
Will this ever end as I'm running to the finish line what to do indeed
Shall I reach out to thy Lord and ask for his Mercy
But I find myself bickering with him instead
I Fall to my knees as I almost reached the finish line and what do you do
But solely be
Even in this Insanity that wrecks me
Blessed be this time indeed
For the sanity is here
At the finish line indeed
If you have Sabr
Then perhaps you will overcome what is here
In all that you had in life do we know what it means to be
Perhaps I know what this means
For we are but slaves to our desires but in reality
We are but a slave to Allah
So even in this chaotic deen I have
I still find serenity within me
As I surrender putting my head to the ground and worshiping Allah
Do not give up
Do not hate
Love God
Love self
Love others
We should go by this everyday
Counting my pennies up today
Not knowing if I have enough currency to beat the dismay
Running on a railroad not knowing what to do
Up and down all around all the merry go round and go
Merry go around try a roller coaster up and down all around
The mind goes rapidly not knowing what to do
So once again I Fall to my knees and worship the one and only
The most merciful the most gracious
He who see's the unknown
That is Allah
The one and only
So save me from myself so I may find serenity within this Deen
Blessed be even though the insanity is here blessed be lovely indeed

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


Game start
Falling into the abyss of darkness
Scraping at the walls wanting to resurface
As the darkness swoops in and covers all that is light
I blade touches the skin so gently so
But so much carnage ever so
The darkness that consumes thy soul
Why must it burden me so?
Once upon a Time when happiness was not an illusion
A time of happiness with the light is the conclusion
Unfortunately this is the delusion of the illusion that happiness cannot be
It seems It's not destined for me
And I scream and I scream within this insanity
Cutting so freely
Wanting nothing more than to break free
Scraping trying to resurface
To consume the light
So the darkness fades away
To come again another day
For this everlasting jihad of mine
I scream and I scream everlasting
So silently in my mind
Shall I cry?
A teardrop to a bloody mess
Taking the torch to ready yourself
Are these the ways?
Shall I dismiss these deeds
Easier said than done indeed
Everlasting Insanity bursting at the brim
Only to have light consume this to bring serenity
So please let it be let it be
Allah said be
So here I am being me ever so slightly with insanity

Monday, November 21, 2022

.... isolation

Where to go?
Up to the bend
Upon to the doom
Into the solitude
The isolation
Fulfilling to the brim of absolution
Destined for thy to be
Stuck in this destined insanity
To be content to be humble
To have patience
Such to strive so
Tears rapidly fall as the insanity breaks
My spirit is broken
I do not know where to go
Here I am lost within the solitude my mind everlasting
Is this insanity
Every single emotion that rip through me
Let's bring the cycle of chaos into the picture
Running at a fork to a road
Which way to go which way to go Up down all around
To let myself scream
To let myself be deemed
Is this destined for me
The solitude of insanity
Absolutely exhaustion to the brim
Unable to care anymore
But one strives on
So Inshallah hope comes soon
Or has it already arrived
Only time will tell
Well Insanity rule over me or will serenity find me
Ever lasting questions
Shall continue onwards

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

rambles 1 2 3

Having a time of your lives
Not knowing what to despise
Only to be within the Abyss
Chaotic indeed is that what we need
Perhaps one can strive
Plan ahead
For within darkness there will always be light
Falling into chaos not knowing what to do 
Running in the cycle of insanity in this Abyss can I dismiss
Allah I call upon thee
Save me from myself
From the insanity
From The whispers inside me
For the illusions for the delusions are with me
Full of insanity
But striving indeed
Low eman then high
The ever going cycle of humanity
Up and down and around and around here we go 
Falling into the abyss wondering if I will miss what this sanity is
Only to have a glimpse of it one moment
So within the darkness there shall always be noor
I may seem to be weak
But I am still here therefore I am strong

Thursday, November 3, 2022

my life to talk my life tick tock

What is my life
I asked myself
I asked my doctor
The answer you see
Why am I still alive
The answer that I received was unsatisfied
I demand to be satisfied to an extent that I can be content
The disaster of deeds that's destined to be
Full of life this insanity
But let it be let it be
Full of bliss maybe next time we'll see
Why am I still alive
Doctor says because you're fun
Fun I say oh yes oh fun fun of insanity fun fun
Confusion to the max with no answers to be heard no answers to be thought of no answers ever
I be knocking at death's door begging for him to let me in
Put the light keeps dragging me back
I just want the darkness to win
But the light keeps knocking
Keeps rapping at the door
Quote The Raven nevermore
On the Enders of the game
Will I ever be sane
Within this destiny that be
Perhaps this is not meant for me this sanity that I seek
Stuck within the chaos of the deed
Am I tarnished as they see
Am I the worst of the worst
Are they right those voices in the head
Here they're here there compliment there insult here here they're here there, there insult more
When will this Insanity be complete
Holding my breath brisking to the end
I am at edgewalker
Am I broken
Do I need fixed
Shall I give up
Or shall I dismiss these feelings
And hold the key
And that is the light
Because one is not afraid to stand alone for Allah is by my side

Saturday, October 8, 2022


I may be broken but I am not defeated
Fact being I'm far from broken
I am constantly rebuilding
For everyone has struggle in life
For one has not walked in another shoes for not to judge that person for they do not know
Wise words for one who said so
If only one before they judges
Remembers the wise words of those before us
That we all have strife in life
That we all struggle
And to some point we will succeed
Even in our broken chaotic state
We are not deemed for disaster
Even if the disaster has come to a phase of mania that deems it Bliss
With this Bliss be enough to consume you
To bring your heart strong
To rise to one another shoulders
To build to rise to need to help
It's better to constantly build yourself
So that you may pay it forward
Make that what matters a fact
I am broken I am free to be flawed even within this chaos Deen
I am broken but I am not defeated

Friday, September 30, 2022

maybe again

I scream within this insanity
Let it be
The chaos that deems my soul
For the anger is here
Biting down onto my flesh
My heart is burning
I'm melting
I am lost
Where to go
But in the cycle of chaos
Let it be even worth a bit of sanity
I scream so everlasting silently
Let me bleed
Crimson bliss
Let the Chaos flow
Will I ever be so
Happy with out going manic
Here I am being
Cutting burning feeling
Stuck in traffic
Of the heart and soul
I scream so silently
Will I be free to bleed...

Thursday, September 29, 2022

I am here

I love you
To the moon and back
For the stars fall in line as we ponder 
With this corruption of life
It's not just
But justice shall be served
I am shining with the light
I am a warrior
I strive on
Shall you follow me
I will protect you
For I am the white knight
Within ever girls dreams
Dance with me
With in the moon 
Lovely indeed

Tuesday, September 27, 2022


Where to go
Falling into the abyss
Failing to hope
Wanting nothing but the emptiness to control
Running on the fire
These coals burn my emotions so
To breath is but a burden
Wanting nothing but to end
As hope is lost
Unable to comprehend what hope can be

Thinking I could find it
Such a foolish move
Darkness sweeps in
Taking my soul

In these times
I Trek
Only to strive
To succeed
To want
To believe in Hope

Only time will tend

I am but a burden
To this world
Corruption to the core
The monster inside
Letting it go
Not wanting to stop
Wanting to feel but one emotion

Hope still Wonders within my mind
That can be found with faith
So speak to your heart
To breath as God said be

So here I am
Being free to be me

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

beating dead beat

Crumble at the base
Here you stay
Unable to hope
To bring happiness is but a wish
That will never be in the midst of my life
Here I am, empty
Emotions flow, burning so
Rapid unlimited emotions
Ripping through the flesh

Am I breathing?

I feel I'm suffocating
So many burns
To cut to tear to reach
Wanting nothing but ruin

These burning balls of energy
Shine so brightly

Hoping for tomorrow
Wanting it to just end

To fall into slumber
Catch my breath
Only to hope
For the beat to stop

To set me free
As the emotions burden me so

Friday, August 26, 2022

For Chelsea

As the time
Bears witness
To a date
To ponder upon Time
To wander into the Galaxy skies
Devastation in the mind
Hopelessness narrows here
Here there everywhere
Upon this time
I hear a call
The Angels sing
Wanting nothing but peace
Peace of mind piece of soul
Pondering what will come in this night to be
Wondering what is wondrous indeed
To not give in to the darkness
To fight that darkness
To give yourself hope
For the light is knocking on your soul
Screaming to let it in
Will you open the door for it
Perhaps peace will find you then

Monday, July 25, 2022

another time

Up another night
Holding back the burning tears
Yet this time is here
Shall I redeem myself
To plea to God Almighty
I believe I truly do
But bitter with Allah I am
For I'm so flawed
Will this moment ever end
Tears overcoming the mind
Falling so lightly
Tick tock on the clock
Time is but limitless
Moving on
Happiness can lead to despair
Mania on the mend
Will I ever mend?
Stuck in this chaos
Calculated Bliss
I shall dismiss
Drifting in and out of Dreamland
Will I awake tomorrow
Will my pleas be heard
For this heart to just stop
So all the pain of this world will be gone
So please

Friday, July 22, 2022

Here Now

Falling into grace
Perhaps it's not in this place
The emotions burn as the tears fall
Separate the feelings
I don't want to feel this 
It burns not so softly
Whisper here and near
Perhaps we shall escalate
Hoping for sanity
Hitting rock bottom
With my emotions
They say to heal
To speak
To share
Perhaps it will get better
I twist so violently
What is next for me
The emotions breath within me
For I am being

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Following the leader

Harden soul meets the end
Falling through them looking glass
Follow that white rabbit down that hole
To the most of the abyss
Falling, screaming until no end
My heart rhythmed to the beat
Empathy for all, but not for me
I want happiness but it never comes
Down and what not
What will become of me?
Wondering if this insanity is meant for me
Is this Destiny?
Let me breath, I'm suffocating from all the rapid emotions
Ready set go
Up up up to cloud 9
Blissful deeds
Energy for me
Smile once smile twice
Happiness is that what I need
To fight on
Too break the desire
Devouring disorder
Will it end?
Let us ponder

Sunday, March 13, 2022

here we go

As the mind is created
Bursts of emotion is full of expression
Vibrant vibrate throughout your cells within your mind your body your structure
Has each anxiety builds up as you enter this world
1 2 3 the years go by one by one 
Four five six
It's time for school do not dismiss
Smile for the camera smile for everyone smile like you have no care
And care to share so grade 1 2 3 are nothing but a mediocre choir of Hope
Four and five ready you for Middle School
As the snakes get ready for their breeding ball of hate
As young minds twist and turn as puberty hits them
The hormones are going crazy you see
Grade 7 entering teen Hood
And parents get ready for this is the time that your child will hate you the most
8 9 we're in high school now
All those conscious feelings
The anxieties that you felt when you first entered the schoolhood
And we find ourselves entering high School nothing but a freshman ready for the butcherer to get the sausage ready in the Hall of Doom
For you'll be studying and studying and studying for what a piece of paper to tell you that you graduated school yippee for this is your destiny after this
You will hit adulthood and you will understand that you wish you never grew up so fast
Because this is when depression comes
And you'll find yourself locked in a solitude of your own fortress
Biting away each time by time
at the clock that feeds you the milk that you need
So blessed be within this destiny of us humanity
Just be
Be happy be great be the best you can be
And hopefully your destiny will be right for you and you won't have to tread through disaster
Keep your chin high and Almighty till the end

Monday, January 17, 2022


Falling into darkness unable to comprehend
The rapid emotions conquer the soul
As a rapture comes to the heartbeat that beats
To feel within the universe this energy
As it moves within you
Do you know what you feel
That it may be one thing
It calls you
It guides you that light that hope
What's meant to be is full of happiness
One just has to obtain it
It's been written in the words
That came before us
That was revealed to the prophets before us
That carried the message to us
To pray, to seek refuge with one Lord
The almighty that is Allah 
Allahu Akbar God is the greatest
Let you fall and seek refuge in the Lord from the accursed Satan
For his whispers will come at you from every direction
And they will rip into your heart and soul
Be not wavered by them
For those whispers will always be with you
Until time stops for you you will always hear them in your heart
But from the time that you breathe air
For when Allah blew breath into Adam
For he began humanity for we are the children of Adam
Let yourself be guided to the truth
If you seek it you shall find
Open your heart to the one and only Allah
And let it be let it be in this world full of insanity
That my heart is guided to Noor
I shall speak truth always
And as my emotion bears my heart on my sleeve
I am destined to believe always and Allah you see
So follow me follow the lord follow the word follow the way
That is Islam

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Take My breath away
Stuck here quivering my soul
Complicating if suicide is the way
To finally set me free
From this chaotic Bliss indeed
To dance so fragile ready to break
As every emotion siphons and rips through me
Here I am wandering into Bliss
To allow the crimson desire to burn
And I'm ready to play with my right hand to cut away the darkness
To feel pain instead of rapid emotions
The chaos is here near and dear
Care to stare
Dare you stare and judge me so
You never walked in my shoes so do not despair
I reckon I'm right with the blade
I went a year without so
But here I am holding the blade in my hand ready to let go
What shall I do what will come of this day
Is the chaos destined for me
I want eternal Bliss
To let the insanity take control
Once again in the cycle of chaos that Infinity circle of Doom
Mania on the brink
Rage banking at the desire
Dare to shout out and scream
Instead I went for within the solitude of silence
I cannot break away from these desires
So I write
And write
Wondering this is meant for me
This chaos that I seem to feel constantly
One pill two pill three pill more
The fall came and went and so did 95% of the meds too
Am I betterless medicated
Stress stress here I come
What will come will it ever end 
Will tonight be the night
Perhaps there is no end
Trekking on in the cycle of chaos
So let's not pretend

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Mania Bliss

At the start line begging to go
Chaos on the run
Up up to cloud 9
Does this define me what I am in this time
Walking on darkness into the abyss
The emotions roll into the mist
To feel what it means to be insane in the membrane
One pill two pill three pill four don't know what to do mania for this
Medication to the brim
Unable to feel
Wanting the lobotomy in my brain
Tired of mania running my life
As the emotions roll off my tongue
The vulgar chaotic rage controls
Then the subdued feelings hit
Falling into the darkness
Fighting with all the emotions
As too much happiness leads to mania
I swallow my antidepressant thinking it will help conquer the darkness
One pill two pill medication more
Therapy skills to conquer it more
To write your heart out pen to paper
Can I comprehend what this insanity is?
Losing myself losing my sanity losing my mind
To be at such a crossroad in life if you should slit your throat or cut your heart open
Ready to bleed and do you need to see what's in this insanity
I dare you to peek in my mind
Chaotic wonderous Bliss of rage
Carnage hatred destruction peace
Peace wanted within the heart
Working towards kindness to another
There's not enough kindness in my heart to be nice to myself
Here on the inside I'm bleeding my soul is chaotic
Is this is what's destined to me?
Stuck with insanity
Wondering when the mania will end?
Back home soon home is where the heart is
Off to see the doctor for some unwanted Bliss
What will be next to dismiss