Friday, December 31, 2021


So shaken, ripped into the bend
As they flow, and rip through me
As each one, conquers bliss
Fallen angel unable to comprehend
To a write love on the arms
To bring peace to mind
I scream so silently
Will the emotions ever end
Lobotomy up my mind
I don't we want to feel
I scream on the inside
Smiling my fake smile
Remember we are here
Empaths wants nothing of emotions
Demotions ready 
Will conquer the emotions?
Cutting into the flesh
Will that ever end?
Here living with insanity

Thursday, December 30, 2021

what to do

We start the day at dawn
Calling you to pray are the song birds awaking 
For they pray with you
So follow the way
We start with Bismillah before we rise
To start the day, smile inside and out
Life is a test
We strive
So start out the door
Shining so brightly
For Allah is with you
You are never alone
For Allah is with you
Don't be afraid of the unknown
Don't fret, want to know
Say the shahada (Arabic)
What makes this world go around
Kindness and good deeds
Let them overcome the bad deeds
You will feel better inshallah
We reap at what we presented
Represent the way
That is Islam
We strive always for Allah
To please him
Watch your actions
They be recorded bad on the left
On the right is the good
Those angel's will present this book to Allah 
On judgement day
So repent
For Allah loves you
Fear him we do
For he is Almighty
Allah. Allah
Make me strong
So I will conquer the darkness
To let the Noor in
To do good deeds
To present our actions
We learn from example
Follow the waaaay
In this Deen
With the Peace

Of this life

Let me tell you the way
Of happiness and serenity
Welcome this hope
Yes meant for humanity
Oh let us see
Beyond the darkness of the unclean world
For bad deeds seem to pile more than good
Fret not, there is a way
Repent your see
To who
The Almighty the Allah you know him
He has been with you
Even in the bleakest night
Here is there with you and I
You may fear him
To be expected for he is the one and only Creator you see
That is Allah
Destined for humanity
We be here, seeking purpose

It's up to us
To better our selves
Working hard in this dunya
We strive to please
Not self the corrupted creation
Do not stray far, you may lose your way
Follow the Deen
Be with the ummah
We love you
You need Allah
We are his servants
We are but slaves to him
Allah be with me always
To say dawah is better by actions
Open your eyes
Live you life
For Allah
Blessed be
Following the way with Islam

The only way

Here I am
Beating heart
Wanting to find serenity, is this is meant to be
I must surrender
To seek refuge in Allah the Almighty
Blessed be within the insanity
Will I ever be free of the tarnished soul
I want to strive to please Allah the one and only
Never leave me
Increase my eman inshallah
Does this mean with this destiny that I'm meant to Breath deep breaths
To seek refuge from the chaos
That burdens me so
I walk destructive ways
Waking up with insanity
Blessed be I am me
A full creation of Allah
Thank you for to This chance 
Blessed be within this Deen
Follow the way
Islam the only way

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

wanting freedom

Hate driven
Around the chaos
To breath in desire
Destruction at its best
I'm here, with the blade
Shall I let it all out
To slice so hard
To see the crimsom flow
What shall I do
Shall I rest eternally
Let it be
Darkness inside me

He breaths his darkness
As he needs
Dare he heed
Ah save me
Oh Allah almighty
I listen so silently
I'm free
I hate myself
I want to die
Will I ever be free

Sunday, December 26, 2021


Wanting more
Striving to arrive
To die upon the day
To arise upon Salah
Let us pray, mend the way
Today for tomorrow
Upon this time
Shall I scream upon my destiny
I waiver but I strive
With God intention
Blessed it be
That is what I truly needed
To find serenity
Surrendering self
Mind soul nafs
Let yourself be
Blessed within the Noor of the Almighty
The all knowing, all merciful
The most just
Allah the one and only
Allahu Akbar
Let it be
Serenity within self
So we can be humbled
Let it be

Tuesday, December 21, 2021


Falling into the abyss
Letting the sorrow consume
Hoping for something to end
Shall it be My Life, One would question
As each emotion trips down my face
As the tears bring despair to one's heart
Loneliness it seems to be just around the bend
And what shall I conquer then
Shall I stand tall beating my heart ever so
Wanting nothing but to conquer the insanity
And as the tears stripped down the mind seems to fall into chaos
Not wanting not needing not getting
Perhaps it is time
For the end to come
One can only wait for that day to come
Until that day comes the fight goes on in the never-ending war
And I bear my chest and open my heart as I wear it on my sleeve
As my emotions conquer my heart and soul, humanity shall not bend my will
To die a thousand times only to live once what will come in the future

Saturday, December 11, 2021

little one lost

Do you look to the night skies?
Wondering if we ponder about you
You were so little
When we said good bye
Miss you little one
You must be so big
I wish you were never taken
Your mother lost you
The Calvert's need you
We think of you
Wondering what world it be if you stayed
Tears till down my cheek
Know you are loved and missed
Little one now so big
Maybe an a teen now
I hope you found a forever home
Miss you maytah love always

Sunday, November 28, 2021

The night

 drifting upon time, as sand dunes cover my thoughts

stopping for a moment, but a small breath in

with a release of a big wind exhale

shall I wander into the nights sky

wondering if this is meant to be

struck the heart tightly, the tears so sorrowful of burdens

I am bitter with the one and only God almighty

here wondering what will come of my soul

shall the sadness conquer the nights whims



everywhere  wondering pondering

crying as the tears ever flow into my heart and soul

shall I bear witness that their is but one God

here I am sorrowful at this moment'

Hoping for another smile, wanting nothing but serenity 

So let the darkness be

Hide do not fret

Light will conquer


Thursday, November 18, 2021


 Falling into the deep abyss

The unknown to the mind

I feel the calm within the storm

Wanting nothing but to breath freely

Free from the unwanted

Streaming down my face, are the tears of sorrow

Will this ever end?

This consent battle within myself

I bend my will, some days are harder than others

Each minute, a small victory

Shall I be free?  Pondering so blissfully

Let it be, yes letting it be

Breathing those deep breaths 

Release within my flesh

Shall I rake the victory?

Only to restart the new canvus each day

Take me to the dreams

Each night, crying myself to sleep

Surely to slumber, within every moment a dream can turn to a nightmare

What the true nightmare was?

Yes its over

Starting over

Start again



Be Free

Willing always

Saturday, October 2, 2021

the unknown

One way up, one way down
On the railroad
Round and round
Upon chaos is it deemed
Upon insanity
Such a calm place
As the emotions flow up down all around
Intense one moment, frightening to the next
What will the rest of the days be
Well I see
Myself finally
After so many years of subdued emotions
To let it flow
To conquer the fight
As the ever lasting battle never rests
Will I bend so much to break
Shattered glass emptiness
Explosion of rage
Murmurs in the shadows
Well the patterns come
Let it be
They say, why so I can drown in my fears
Losing my way
Trying to cope
Helping others
Ready set breath
1 2 3 breath in hold 3 2 1 exhale
On the bend, round and round
What to send?
Emotions that be
With this world so full of insanity
Yet it be
Here so timely
Upon the sea
Murmuring what
Do they say
Those knocks on the door
No one's there
Here I am breaking
Wanting nothing to stand solid
Never to bend...

Tuesday, September 28, 2021


Streams of sorrow come to be
Within destiny there is what sadness
Is happiness an illusion indeed
Pondering so suddenly
Upon the edge perhaps so
Over the moon to the sun fledged soul
To overcome the darkness
To reach out for help
To scream if you need to
You are free
Free in this world to suffer indeed
As chaos ruins the world
Happiness falls from the true deeds
Perhaps I show speak to thy Lord
I don't see a point so there's no relief
And life is just a test that fulfill you for the afterlife
Posed to someone who doesn't want to live
To fight all your life to struggle to lose to win
To be content with what you are
As insanity and confusion flow through me
The darkness sweeps in and takes away the Noor
Is it but a flicker within the darkness
Or has it been blown out
Allahu allim
We ponder upon the world you see
As some of us are stuck with strife
Carve your destiny into your soul
To let it all out as the blood flows
Is this the way or is this the illusion
What can we tell what reality is
Is life and happiness but an illusion
Hope is far from here
A disaster to be
Chaos and rage indeed
I seek refuge in the Lord from their cursed Satan
As I plea and plea for all my life you see
I guess this is my destiny
But shouldn't I have the right to know what I want to do
To live or die
Insanity is surely a dangerous path
Only time will tell

Saturday, September 25, 2021

what is left with me

As the world turns upside down 
I'm in the chaos you see
I don't know what is light nor darkness I feel it fade for me as I become nothing, but the insanity of the mind in the membrane it is distorted indeed Even confusion sits me to the to go off Medication you see 
I'm feeling my true self indeed and shall you find yourself to the truth
You shall recommend yourself to follow what truth is 
I am solely doing this to save myself perhaps the insanity is my savior 
For that is what I am destined to be schizo bipolar of a mind that's deemed I slither, moving, and who am I am 
Maybe a shadow of the darkness will the darkness consume my heart will 
I give up on this life I want to give up but yet I strive, and do I strive more than those who don't
Those who claim that they are just an Almighty remember so only one deity is worthy of that and that is Allah the one and only worthy of worship is he so let it be 
Let it be within the insanity, maybe I should lock myself up and throw away the key 
I don't know where my mind is to go The delusion is taking over 
The confusion is here 
The chaos has come once again within The cycle

Friday, September 24, 2021

Freestyle rap let go to the rate

 Here's a freestyle devastate your mind you see can you keep it occupied while I speak I'm up to the beat and I don't know what it means I'm insane in the membrane and death insane there's no help out there for me no help for thy I don't know what to do and I cry to God but there is no relief and I just want to die I don't know why I'm like this it just seems to be this way all the time I'm destined to be this way in the insanity way that I'm a fool in the world full of fools but who's the true fool of them that they are truly the fool I would say that they are the wisest ones

List ever date to another rate I'm here almost turning 35 don't know what to do with my life don't want to define what faith is for me but I can't mind that I want to die I don't know if I'm mine maybe I'll just slit my throat petrify Or will it be on there killing myself by the fire and the gasoline burned itself I don't know what way to go you seem I just want out of this world that steam stuck in the mainframe door in the box outside the box and not wanting in don't you know what the mind means here in what is is insanity Be their blessed in my mind from time to time alhamdulillah thanks to God I'm glad I have the friends that I have but some people just be punk ass bitch but ever late to another rate and here we go on going on none keep on striving do good to another build each other up and if the society follows you have each other united we are PS Muslim atheist Christian or a pagan we're all God's creation here we go right now let's go and where are one in humanity let's be free

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

What Difference

Please let hear me say
I may be a lefty but I support the right
I know that there is truth in both and we both just want our rights
I Casted my vote wanting something different
To know I made no difference at all
Makes me fear the sorrow that comes to be
It doesn't make you right if you believe with sanity
For this world that you see, is chaos indeed
From a free world with free choices
To a monarch
And shall we bow our heads and pray for the old true leader Trudeau
Or shall we fight with dismay
You may be black I may be white you may be straight I may be bisexual
I may be Muslim and you an atheist
We are all human in the end 
Free will indeed
Do not fret if you are right and do not fret if you are wrong
For who knows what is right
To follow your heart solely soul
To find hope within the insanity of the world that comes to be
You will find yourself lost in all this mist
From the corruptions of governments to see
The gangsters that deem
We the people stand so United
We cast our vote in our solitude of hope that we do please our party indeed
As we age our vote may change
Forever so more we just want to be
To be accepted
I'm not racist I'm not ignorant I'm nice kind and right
When people look at me they judge me so 
Either by my physical body or my mentality or my religion so
When I'm just human like the rest of us 
I'm flawed beyond comprehensive
United by my corruption
Finding Bliss within this world
From the joyous smile to the tears of sorrow
To the stomach that starves to the stomach that is full
I find myself walking this path so lonely indeed
I am never alone for I have humanity and God 
Bless us all be that we have tolerance indeed to understand
That what we can't comprehend does not make us wrong
May it ignite in us to another way
To stand your rightly, besides our differences
To fight for freedom
To fight for love
To fight for religion
Always make your own choices
So I bless you be
For taking the time to listen indeed
Do not lose hope for you are never alone

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

How the World should be

This world was created with purity
With all the animals and nature within it
To be a gift to humanity
But you may not know
For the last 300 years we have killed a lot of our population of animals and nature itself
We are Muslims are not supposed to do this
For we are the caretakers of this world
Why would we take more than what we could have
That is greed to the worst degree
When you look into a stallions eyes
You see the Bliss The Hope the happiness of being free
To following the natural to Allah
And let us Good deeds be for this not just humanity but for all creation you see
And we do our Good deeds for humanity you see
As it was said some of the smallest of deeds are the best of deeds
If you are walking and you see an animal that is hurt would you help it or keep on walking
As we Muslims we help those who are Muslims as well and humanity itself for we are brothers and sisters within this world
Remember to recycle for there is only one Earth
This fantasy that we can hijack another planet and live in but artificial environment is not a thing for me
Allah did not destined that for me
And when are world becomes the end we may be at fault at that
Because we did nothing to stop
Corrupting the world itself
Humanity you seem somewhat decent
But to the Earth the majority of the world is far from good to it
Allahu Alam
God only knows
I am here being and helping other beings is my way is my life is my destiny
But I will not just help humans you see
I shall help the animals in the creatures of the world and the nature indeed
Cuz this is what is willed for me
But Allah you seem into al qadar is deemed
So follow your book indeed be at the Bible the Torah or the Quran you see they're all message from the one and only Allah you see
This world is not for you to reap
It's for you to protect
To be good to other creatures other than humanity
This is what's needed for us indeed
To humble ourselves enough to help
To set the ego aside
To let Bliss consume allowing happiness to express
Where is your happy place
Is it the Kaaba
Is it the desert
Is it the jungle
Or is it silly man-made things such as Dubai or Las Vegas
Beware of these places
For they take you away the natural path of submission
So let it be let it be
While you here on being recycle indeed
Do you zakat, for this Earth for there is only one
If we destroy Earth where would we go
Would Allah judge us so
For killing a creation such as a planet
For wiping out species
I understand if you're afraid of what you do not understand
But open your heart as you would to Islam
You may learn a thing or two from nature itself
For this is true submission to Allah that is nature itself indeed the animals that breathe in the trees that breathe to the mountain that gives Salam
Such creation is so wondrous indeed
I advise you to protect it the best you can
For there is only one God where the worship and that is Allah you see
So why not follow the commandments of he
And do not reap this world through  tarnished chaotic beings
Let us breathe deep breaths and some of the strength with inside thee
To strive on words like nothing matters
The hardship of the world you see will come with ease
For life is but a struggle a Jihad indeed
And if of life was just an easy test would it be a test at all
Not one journey is the same than another for we are all different inside
So journey on this world and protect it so
Do good deeds not just for humanity but the planet you see
This is what Allah deemed
So plea with your lord indeed
To help you in this insane world you see
As we all have become burdens to our nafs
Najs or not
Be mindful indeed and perhaps you'll find peace within the heart and deed

Sunday, September 12, 2021

what you need to find

I wanted to find the source of Truth
So I explored the world outside, within the mind you see
You can find knowledge anywhere
You just have to open your heart
And your mind you see
May you find the truth
There's only one indeed
That is Islam itself
Allah said be so here we are being in this world of chaos
So seek the deen the way indeed
Sometimes you will tumble and fall to your knees
Wondering if there's a God indeed
I was going to sleep not to long ago searching ever so
I find my life within darkness you see from time to time and then again
Because within my religion we teach that life is but a test
And if there was no struggle no Jihad in this test
Wouldn't be much one of the test at all
We strive we learn we seek knowledge
Have you tried to read the Quran with an open heart
Leaving judgment set side you will see the truth
I was but a pagan before
Then I read the Quran
And within each page that went through Reading and searching for the truth
I found that there was only one God and that was Allah indeed
So hope for the best and seeking knowledge always
I'm wandering to the sky that be's
I dare you to look into Islam you see
For it's truly peace for the heart  indeed
So why not check it out for yourself
The true science of a holy book
But to remember the Time when it was revealed
So you caste your judgment according so
And have peace
Surrendering to one God
Wanting nothing more to strive to please to be
Even within this darkness of the world
You will find noor in your heart
Once you find Allah you see
Peace will come indeed
But to be a Muslim you must follow the Quran solely and then the Hadith So...
If you get mixed up with all your questions you see
Go to the source of the one who follows Allah you see
And there you'll find some good old Dawah
For speaking truth is a Muslims deed
To witness our message to bring peace to other people
Do not fret stay calm and rememberance Allah always

Saturday, September 11, 2021


I heart rips from my chest, allowing the abyss to sink in
Falling into the ground
Sinking to the emotions as they burn ever so
Seeping through the sand to the bottomless pit of darkness
Wanting nothing more than to be done
Why am I this way?
Will I be okay?
Devastation that stabs the heart
Ready to bleed
What a bloody mess this has become
Dreaming of nothing but death
Knocking on heaven's door
Riding up to cloud 9 and do not defy
Ready is it time
Let's go this time
A time to give up
A time to want to strive to be 
Is long gone
Only now insanity is here
Can I be within this world do you see
Am I so different you do not understand me
I know those around me love me
But I can't help but hate me ever so much
I'm tarnished I'm scarred I'm burned I'm wrecked
And I do surrender to my Lord
Allah who will save all
If you seek it that is
But it does not mean that you will not suffer in this life
Life is but a test but I might fail my test
I can only consume so much hate and disgusting darkness
Before it expels for my mind body and soul
And I do my Dua so lovely indeed
Oh save me Allahu the one and only were there worship

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Will I be saved

Here again, chaos near the end
On a rollercoaster around and around
Flesh hanging with the doom, Carnage near and dear
With insanity at the bend
Coming up and around
Swirling mind and emotions whirlwind through me
At times I feel so hopeless
At these times I'm lost
With the brim
Smoking until death
Will I ever win this fight
Against Insanity
Mania ready set go
Running on the railway
Waiting for the trip to end
Chaos ready
My mind is stuck
In a Kaleidoscope vision
As it twirls and whirls of lights to see
Why it ever end
As I age I feel more and more sick
Medication doesn't work for me
All I have is therapy
It's not enough
I'm lost
Amongst the Myst
Within the abyss
As ever emotions, they surely burn
Now the emotions are on over flow
I cannot cope
I want to ready the blade
Heading it up
Until red to match the crimson bliss
I try and try
With the way
Can I stay?
Please Allah save me

Monday, September 6, 2021

labor Day bliss

Here I am wandering the night sky
Waking in pain like no other
Are these whispers who I believe it is
Coming from every direction forward and back
What do I strive for
As the hopelessness rings in my soul
I seek God alone
I've always seeked Allah you see
For he is the one and only above all of humanity and creation you see
Deemed to be the god of us all the one and only the Worthy of worship
He is Allah
The God, Allahu Akbar God is the greatest
Remember to do your Dhkr
Perhaps a dua or two
Stand so silently presenting yourself so brightly
To recite so lightly but some sincerely within the heart it is
Do not fret for the materialistic things around you
Surround yourself with serenity
With Salah indeed
God not needs us to pray for him he does not need anything for he is absolute
But we need Allah most of all
Seems to be the way it seems
As I waiver within the chaos that deemed
Upon insanity
If I'm able to have the concept of be able to say the shahada in complete Insanity
Allahu Alam only God knows
But prepare yourself for judgment Day
Try not to let the najs nafs flow within you
Wake with every step in every speech you say
This is not the way
Worship one and follow the sunnah
Strengthen your eman
This will hold you together
And we all rise to fall again but with this time we have Allah indeed 
A deity such as thee

Sunday, September 5, 2021

the best medication

The cure for all things that come
From the insanity of the mind
 I see
There's comfort with serenity too
Standing so rightly with my hands on my chest 
To reciting so lightly so brightly
This be the Quran
I fret and fret
But upon the second Rakat
There right there the chaos that's roaming in the heart 
Mind comes to the eye of the storm 
It just stops, this is where serenity is?
Within the pure worship to the one and only Worthy of the worship and that is Allah indeed
As I plea and plea 
Within this world that humanity be's
For another day
Another canvas has begun
Trying to not let the shades blend with the color
Many of my canvases before have flagged down to chaos
But light shall conquer
Even in a flicker of light there is hope
To strive
I know that God loves me 
Or he would not comfort me
He will not send those with good deeds to help me
Be better you see, but it's the self doubt within myself that I Can do To better your self as not many has shown me that they can do any better
As a product of our environment
I shall be at peace
Or me with the one and only
Allahu you see
I repent to God almighty
With sincerity, as he guaranteed this for me
Why, am I selfish
That I struggle with in the test
But we all have our Jihad
And struggle and struggle this is life indeed
Don't be so much like me where I abandon hope and wander in insanity
I strive that is what seems to be
I tried to do better
I still try
And I know that Allah is all merciful and all just and he did not make me this way by mistake
Because I help those around me and maybe that is my purpose
To bring love and peace and good cheer to all creation
That sit stands walks moves or breathes
It all deserves kindness indeed not just humanity
So plea with your lord indeed
Allahu let me see the eye of the storm the calm serenity
And this is with you alone
That Islam is my medicine and I shall be steadfast

Friday, September 3, 2021

still striving

Let's start the path
Let's create our deeds
I'm stuck within the insanity
Up down all around confusion here and there
Rage, anger
Carnage devour
Hate bitterness
Struggle hurt
Losing hope minute by minute
Some of us have the struggle in life
Be the work of the jinns
Or magic
Or mental illness
Mental illness is a thing
Why don't people understand that in modern medicine there is belief that there is such things as schizophrenia
Bipolar, borderline personality disorder, major depressive disorder, pica, anorexia, bulimia
Someone who strives
Get destroys themself at the same time
Wanting nothing more, but to better oneself
So here I am striving to do good deeds
Is this insanity
I do these deeds over and over again not for the reward you see
But it's the best of deeds to help another within this world
And I tried to help myself and I am helping myself and I am getting better but when my episodes happen in mania and a depressive state
I bleed tears from my eyes you see
Destined to be within this Insanity forever
Some lives are harder than others but life is not a test with no challenges
We all struggle and this is our Jihad
For there is struggle within humanities life forever
Within this dunya
So let us breathe
And do good deeds
Let us pray
To lighten the soul
To find serenity, to be balanced
For you not Allah
This is what you need
To love self to be able to love others to be able to allow yourself to surrender to the God Almighty Allah
Bismillah  ar Rahman Raheem
Recite with your heart you see
Be sincere within your destiny
Humble yourself ever so much that is your piety
Charity is the best of deeds
To build another up, to teach that is what we need to do
For the next generation to come you see
So help those younger than you and perhaps older than you 
Strive to help one another
This helps you keep within sanity
But be unique you see
Because each heart is
Peaceful indeed
I am content with me even within insanity
So Allah said be
So here I am striving to be

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

part two

5 by 6 part 2

For every Muslim to believe they must believe in these articles indeed

A faith you see

This is needed to be complete

The first article indeed could be belief and one deity of monotheism indeed

That we believe in Allah the one and only worthy of worship

The most gracious the most merciful

Beneficial the loving

So many words are named for him

I'm sure many words are still unknown to us that we know

Second article, belief in angels and jinns

As Angels were created by God with no free will and do what God has commanded them to do

And then we come to a curious creature like ourselves with free will

Born of smokeless fire

The jinn, they are just like us you see

They strive they please

Some atheist and some are Muslim and some are Christian

Not all rebel against Allah

So it is a must that we believe in these two so far

Third article, the books the books the books you see, there are meant for us indeed

To have belief in what was revealed to the Jews the Torah indeed

To the distorted version of what the Bible was is the true message that Christians should believe

But they have modern ties the religion so much to go to the desire and not to please Allah indeed

But we still have respect for these such books for they are Revelations of Allah indeed

And we have belief in our own book the Quran you see

Perfection at its Max

You have to believe in this you see

With just these three articles, do you see

Fourth article, believe in the prophets that come forth to us humanity

To show the message of monotheism

From Adam to Noah to Abraham to Solomon to Jesus peace be upon them all

Lastly the belief in the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is needed to seal this that he is the seal of the prophets that you see for we do not believe in false deities nor false prophets that come to be

Fifth article, We are preordained in this world

One word Al Qadar

Faith as you see you must believe in this

As it's wondrous indeed and show a light in your heart indeed

To know that you were guided in this insanity

To look for the heart indeed for the not is in all

That is right

Finally made it to the 6th article

And every human every jinn shall meet this day and that itself is the final day

The day Resurrection

To reflect upon your deeds those angels upon your shoulder will scribe a book of your deeds that Allah shall see

And judge you accordingly

But remember Allah is all merciful and all forgiving

So don't forget to repent and Dua your supplication

The dhkr for the remembrance

All these are needed you see to believe

So when you were studying Islam you see

It shall bring on understanding if you read it all

Open your heart and breathe

Let the light 

Conquer the darkness

Please just be within the Ummah

That is what needed for peace

So come on follow me

Better yourself within this insane world we see

To please Allah the one and only worthy of worship

So just breathe and follow your heart with no judgment indeed

We shall see


Tuesday, August 31, 2021

5 by 6 part 1

To connect with God
To be within hope
Surrendering yourself to Allah
To seek serenity
Perhaps a few words may bring Noor
Letting the knowledge in
Wondering always about Allah
If you know, you must do
Do not deny haq
Or you may fail
Trust your heart at first with humbleness
Testify there is none worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammed saw is the seal of prophets
Your shahada from great news more that witnessed one
For only sleep can see your heart your eman you're hope
Desires come arising
But we know our Deen
Another pillar seems to be
Offer Salah, when ever needed
It is just with the deen
To build eman
To strength our sabr
Acquiring something of Hope
For exciting will come to you from time to time
Do not fret for Salah shall save you
And that's why we pray five or even more times a day
To strive
To gain
To glisten within the light
All Muslims gathered to be
It's obligatory to us you see
The mighty kaba within Mecca
A great place where Abraham built to worship thy Lord
Even the mountains around Mecca gives salam
And when we do this within our life it is called haj indeed
It pulls you closer to the oneness of God
As you surround yourself with the Ummaha
To please thy Lord
To surrender yourself indeed
How the Quran was revealed to us the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
Was he was fasting within the mountains of Mecca
When an angel appeared and told him to read
But he was unable to because he could not read
The angel commanded again read and he was able to read something he could not read before
And it was revealed to him that he was on Prophet the new revelation to the world
And so in remember to him
We fast
Especially within Ramadan
From dawn to sunset
Many things you cannot do
Not just eating or drinking but lying too
And some more than most do not know this
Some maybe ignorant to what they know
But may Allah guide them so
Finally we reached the fifth pillar
It's something wonderous indeed
And to be a Muslim you have to need the desire to do charity
Zakat is needed
And do not tell others of what you do donate
For is should remain between you and Allah
And a charity is not just money you see
It could be a small deed
Or smiling indeed
Just because you're poor with money does not mean you cannot do charity with your mouth your mind and your emotions
Do you think those do not count
They do for Allahu created you
So here we are being as we said to be what is the beligatory to us
These five pillars of Islam you see
But they are not only what you need
So we will see....

Saturday, August 28, 2021


Allahu Alam
Only God knows
Did you know he knows all
For he is absolute
You cannot hide from his watch
As he sees beyond what reality is
He sees into your heart and your true desire
Is it to do Haram or do halal
Is it your pure ego that is driving you
Humble your soul, so you can be
Under the protection of the watchful gaze
Not only does he watch but he knows what you desire
For Al Qadar
Is well-known to him and him alone
Allahu Akbar
God is great
Not only in great but the greatest
Worthy of the worship in him alone Allah
You should be fearful of what he can see
I'm sure some of it he will displease
Nothing is hidden from his watch
Not a lie not a sin not a destruction
What pleases him most in his watchfulness
Is to see you strive
Isn't that devine enough
To do your works within the will of God
Is this not desired
Well maybe you should set your ego straight
We are but servants and slaves to Allah
And he is only worthy of worship
He does not need us to pray for him or to him 
We the people are the ones that call out to him, in our supplication to him alone
As many of us repent day after day hour after hour
That is what makes the difference between most
Some are god-fearing
Some fear nothing but death
Some fear the sadness within their hearts
Do they not know that the sadness can be cured with the Quran itself
With sincerity to Allah alone
To surrender with your heart and soul
Being mindful of the situation that be's
Look upon this time of insanity
Do you think that Allah does not know what one desires
What we need is Hope
This can be found within Islam
You just have to strive to look to open your heart
To allow monotheism fill you
To bring the light
To bring the solitude within the emotion
To be mindful of what you think and say
Allah said be so let it be let it be
Striving indeed within this dunya
Let us breathe bowing down to thee
The one and only Allah you see
Allahu you are the only one for me
Not just for I I desire you be for all
The pre-ordainment is written for you
So let's breathe
Within this world that we be
To be mindful that Allah sees 
What we see within the mind, the heart that be's
Thank you
For this watchful noor
Beating the darkness down
Don't forget to pray
This will center yourself you see
Even within the insanity you will be peaceful indeed
This is what we need
So rememberance of how watchful Allah is
Remember of the deeds
Good or bad try for the best
The intention is what matters
Do not for self
But for bettering the world and humanity
So please
Let's be
Striving within the deen
Allowing the dunya to unite
Thank you Allah

Friday, August 27, 2021

Curious Does the mind seems to be
Stuck within the destruction of the insanity
Will sanity ever come
To stay awhile
Get here I am up and down in the mania phase
My heart can't stop beating until I die
Rapidly at pumps as an anxiety attack kicks in
My heart is burning
The aches and pain of the insane mind
Conquer my heart but surely not my soul
Until I met the truth you see I was lost within destiny
Now I know that my destiny has changed
For peace is here near and dear
To not allow the emotions to conquer me
Let the feelings go
I'm stuck on a railroad going round and round and round
It's roller coaster time are you ready
On upon the top do you know what it means on the pawn to talk to you know what it means I pray to the ground and hair I am I underground and here you see here I see beyond reality and everything seems to be right here in the mind in DC everything seems a bit reality everything seems a bit DC with Superman and everything seems big and he what if there was a really really cool how come there is a Supergirl and not a super woman yes I tell you BS yes yes yes I tell you this I tell you that this turned into a rap you know that I don't know what to do as the mind seems crazy in the who here I am watching this did the who even exist still I'm just old old you see all the soul and young body as I get id'd everywhere I go get it right little one I'm insane in the membrane and here we go

Thursday, August 26, 2021


So lost within the world
So much is needed
As we bend to our materialistic wants
This is not what needed for humanity
Don't you see there is guidance indeed
From all the wonders of the world and beyond it is found
You just have to look for the signs
They everywhere within you and everything that be
You must conquer your heart and bring it to the Noor
Set aside those nasty desires
For they twist and turn and turn hate into your heart
This even happens within people who are guided
For remember there is one that will always whisper into our hearts from every direction
To move us away from the great guidance
For he Snickers within the darkness
But look for that light inside
It may be just a flicker right now
The guidance that these is from God indeed
And who is this God but Allah the one and only were they worship
I was lost within my path many times
But I always found guidance within my steps
Though the insanity has grown too far thick within the mind
I find peace in solitude within Salah
Don't forget to make wudu
Constantly to keep you pure
When you're feeling low
Do 2 rakats just for the soul of it
Remember we're trying to lighten our soul
For there's many stepping Stones to jannah
Will we meet again within our destiny
Just let that light keep on shining
To keep on guiding
So you will keep on wanting
And never give up
For guidance is here there and everywhere
Since the dawn of time and has been there
Do not fret and maybe unusual at first
But just do you
Follow this guidance and take small attempts to success

the world

Where do we reside
But on something peaceful indeed
The world's so vast perfection in beauty
It's meant for us humanity
We are the caretakers of this Earth
After all there is only one Earth
So many cultures around the world so many religions deemed for you and I
Some have as many trials within this world
But within this dunya you will see the perfection that Allah has made
As the world is majority water so is the human body so can we relate to Earth itself
There are so many living things on this planet though humanity deems themselves to be right in everything
Pouring out toxic fumes and ruining our environment
Slave labor is still a thing so is sex trafficking in the Free world the new world and third worlds
It's a sad reality indeed
But I pray to my God indeed
As there is nothing left for me
His love inside of me 
I take his commandments to the heart
Let it be let it be Allah said be
Only one with complete perfection can complete world creation and the universe itself
Vast and wonderful like a carpet the world is
So stride against it and discover
There may be knowledge here or there
Peace resides in the human soul
Often we are at war, sometimes with humanity
Times with inner self
So let's plea, and plea
Within this world of tarnished chaos and insanity
To revert back to the old way
To find peace within the Earth
To find peace within your soul
And let your heart not perish
To look a deer in the eye as it stares sternly
You see true nature within their hearts
And we can see the heart within the eyes for the soul peers in
So when you think of this world think good things for we only have one a green and blue planet indeed full of life and freedom
Surrounded by peers
Let it be let it be
Even in this time of chaos Insanity Dean for the planet as you see
It is still in perfection
As Allah deemed
So blessed this world as you travel upon it
Do not forget to give your Salah to the mountain
For all nature and humanity prays to thy Lord
And within this destruction that we feel
Allah will deem peace for us
So I will leave you with one thing
Take care of this Earth we live for there is only one

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Ready set go
Status within the illusion you see
Depends on what you want to be
Do you want to wallow within the wisps?
Or do you strive within the Deen?
Are you lost within your path
Holding on to something that may not be good for you
To puff puff pass
Allowing the illusion of happiness to be deemed by this
But truly this is not meant to be
As I stand here so
And kneeling and head to ground
To be within hope
Let us pray let us pray
It's not meant for God he does not need us 
We are the creation, made but from clay as Allah blew his breath in us
We are not perfect for perfectionism is for Allah only
But we strive to do good to do the best of deeds The Good deeds to allow those angels to write down so soundly what you do each day
To remember that those scribes will come to you on judgment Day
Have some taqwa
Within God you see
There is truly sanity
Life is but a test in some struggle more than most
But Allah said be so here we are as we are.
Struggling on to the hopes of humanity in this materialistic world
I'll let you in on a secret happiness is not found in the materialistic things
With Allah indeed within the Ummah
We do our supplication to him all day everyday and we don't forget the rememberance of him in his names
99 of them knowing so far
The beneficial
The just
The loving
The merciful
The gracious
So why not follow Allah for within the books there is distortation because humanity has changed so
To their desires you see
You cannot pick and choose what God has deemed for you What is lawful, and unlawful
But here I am pondering so will this really work it didn't before
But then again I have changed who I am
I have not seen beyond reality in a while
At least Islam brings hope for the future
Hating on one another is not the deen
One another should build each other up
Do not forget the world and other Muslims who are not human
For we are the caretakers of this Earth
So remember without this world we would not be
And that thought itself is insanity
Maybe the end times are near so to say
But have hope
And never stop praying
Bring the piece to heart
Allahu you're the only one for me
For I'm not afraid to stand alone
And the trials are yet to begin
As I tried to stop the smoke from penetrating me
But here I am still being 
Stuck in the chaos once again
But that little light is still a shining inside
Do not forget and always speak truth

Thursday, August 19, 2021

no ways

Why must the days start this way
Will this day ever end
A phase of mania, you see a hypo state of being
There's lots of different types of mania don't people know pick up book don't you want to know
Educate yourself about society seek that knowledge let It be deemed for you and allow you to teach others
Don't take judgment into your heart and don't cast judgment on others
No one knows another person unless they've walked a mile in their shoes said someone a while ago
As it twists and turns within my mind
Not knowing what reality is
And coming to the conclusion that there is no hope
No cure
No comfort
What is the point of living if you just get worse and worse as you age
I sure don't feel like I have hope
Everly my mood I'm on cloud nine you see I have nothing to stop me from doing a deadly deed so I write I scribe I want everyone to see I'm perfectly imperfect and this is what is meant for humanity
This may seem like a rant rather than a poem but I'm writing it in the mania of phase
May God give me patience within myself and within my health
My body aches from all the stress
My heart hurts from the anxiety
I don't want to be anymore
I just want to be free of my illness
But happiness is an illusion you see
For me anyways
Happiness can lead to mania
Oh great that's so thankful of God
And this creates bitterness within God
I don't know why I have to be so full of rage and angry and stressed and depressed and hateful and all these things I don't want to be this way I want to be Lindsey again but I'm not Lindsey anymore
Too many tears are wept each day
And I'm done on living so perhaps I'll see you tomorrow or another lifetime Allahu Allim


 Finding darkness everywhere, can sure wear anyone down

To feel like the abyss is within the mist

Stop gather with me, to mindful of the past

As it be's within this reality, telling everyone soul

Of the darkness within thee, to sure please

Another with these words of hope that I scribe for me

This be my therapy, so read with no doubt that this is my heart

My mind some do not understand, and judge me

To allow the darkness to break free, for sometime darkness bring a comfort of deeds

I reckon these deeds might be the death of me

So I rely to my God, Allah indeed

To seek the light, a true noor

To get a flicker within the heart

To can love for self to love wholesomely

These be my scribes of my heart

Truth being the onset within me

I do not lie, that darkness resides

But the light will always conquer the darkness

That is Love from Allah indeed

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

what we want and need

What does it mean to have mindfulness and a God-consciousness and piety indeed
We really need this you see within our Deen
To acquire eman on demand
To be obedient to one and only Allah you see
Most Muslims you see have this indeed
As it is a structure for the mind you see
Taqwa right for thee
To have the right consciousness to God to know to need
To fear but love also for it is needed in piety
Piety is not just by our clothing, but by our deeds
Our actions you see
It has a much deeper understanding within Islam, because not one word means one thing, but it could be many things
Let us breathe and be mindful of the situation we need
To bring oneness with your heart
Allah fearing abundance 
Allah for he is Almighty 
You see this is not a dream come to be
It is a foundation within our eman
It is needed to structure so
Everyone does Haram, but one who does more that doesn't repent 
Is in a worse of mood in the afterlife
For those angels on left and right
Write down those deeds, you do the good with the right
To keep piety that's needed within the deeds
I do with Allah indeed
To round my spirit and humble thee
To keep yourself full of noor
To allow the abundance of God-fearing to surround you
And with this you will feel a lightly thing of piety
As it raised within your eman you see
This is what destiny is for us the Muslims indeed
To not forget this is needed to avoid the Haram and follow the halal
Don't be fooled by the desires those nafs indeed
The materialistic things of this world that people think they need
I know for a fact because of the Quran
The final message to man indeed
To not follow such quality as greed hatred
Emendity towards a fellow human and pride in many such things and it hurts a believer
Where taqwa is indeed
This can hurt you more than you see
It can lead down to a destruction and emptiness that be's
Rememberance of what this means taqwa indeed
Remember where you are at every sight you see, every emotion that be's
At times we will feel so lonely, but remember Dua, Dhkr, and Salah indeed It brightens the mood and makes you whole indeed
To remember this time we find on this world you see is, but a test that is meant for humanity
So let us remember Allah indeed
What he showed the prophet Muhammad SAW 
What was revealed to him is what we need
Not to be distorted beyond the bend
Even when alone remember taqwa
The God-fearing abundance indeed in Almighty piety
To have consciousness with this indeed
We know what we need
Will we seek it
To strengthen us indeed
Upon a path within insanity if I can find such this way
So can another within a world full of fools
To be fearful
To have love
To show our worthiness
For Allah you see
It's meant for us all within our hearts
This is the best the shahada 
To center self to be mindful
This will help you conquer taqwa
Practicing steadily within the deen
This is meant for you and I 
For Islam is peace indeed

Why Smile

Smile like you have no care

Like your nowhere

Staring so lightly

Is this nice to see?

To let it be

Why smile?

Even your empty inside, wanting to die

Does that mean you are a deceiver?

Maybe we are the believers

After all one of the best of deeds is a smile

and also a sunnah

Some the best of deeds are the smallest

Remember share your smile with everyone

Bringing cheer near and dear

Telling others there is hope

Even within this emptiness

Staring to insanely to look sanely

but smile for today

To bring hope another way

To brighten your noor

Brighten your path

To lead others down

Smile for someone today

Blessed be

So lovely

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


I am wondering on this world of My reality
To not be able to see outside the box
I feel as though I'm trapped within the darkness
Pulling through the chaos over and over again
Wanting it to eventually end
Finding that hopelessness is at the end
Far nor bear
Do we know?
Truly not for that is not our place
I want to find solitude within myself
I want to be content with being ill
There is so many things I want but it seems unattainable
As sharks move within the sands of the sea
Will it ever be beyond insanity?
Well I ever believe in Hope of that reality?
Never quite sure, wanting much more
But feeling so scarred and tarnished so
And the Carnage is with me so listen please
I am not worthy
For what I do and see
I am different from the rest of you
I feel that energy around and I can take it as thy own
As it negatively affects me
Will I ever be at peace?
Well I know the virtues of peace?
In this time of my life you see
Or will it be granted to me on judgment Day just a glimpse of peace and Hope
Is enough for me
As tears rip through me
Unable to cope
I reckon I should just do Dua
Even that seems to be stopped by the insanity that be's in the mind that can't control reality
I want to believe in me that I am possible to overcome the insanity
But as the days roll on by and the months begin to begin to years
To worsen as you age
To have your psychiatrist ask you what he should do
What is the point really in this world anymore?
I don't care, I'm done
Next time it comes I will not fight 
For I am defeated
I do not know if I should relay my light to my deity Allahu you see
I want to please him so solely
But I'm drifting from the light
I just want to keep on going until there's nothing left 
The Carnage will not be subdued
For the devour is here
Never fear, it's something dear
Within thyself I feel
Corrupted within my will
Let it be let it be even with the insanity
As I scribe and ponder so wonderfully
Will this be the end soon to come?
To pass on the courage to another
To raise awareness of this curse
There is no cure for what I have
I'm running out of answers
I don't want to have that courage for that day
When I make that promise I made so many years ago 
I just can't let it go
I seek refuge in a love from the accursed Satan
I testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the slave  and messenger of Allah
I cannot deny what truth is
Soon I will lose the war
I'm tired of fighting
So let's just calmly go with the insanity

Saturday, August 14, 2021


Shall we start with this in the name of God the most merciful the most beneficial
The desire you see is coming to be
I don't know if I quite see Jannah you see
Because the insanity you see
But what is this light that we feel inside us is it truth or is it Allah indeed
What is the beneficial way for us?
If I must I shall tell you
Recite the best you can and do your prayers on time
And don't forget your supplication and your remembrance of Allah
What is beneficial to me is staying within the Ummah
To allow the light to guide me
From the first time I said my shahada I never surrendered because if I surrendered then I will truly lose self
The whispers in my mind you see
At times they conquered thee
But with thy protection from Allah I shall be guided through the straight and narrow path
After all this life is but a test from God himself, so it is best to please him
In doing so we worship thee only God you see the one and only Allah beyond reality does he see
To no absolute truth is not attainable to those who free seek for those who have free will for it is godly thing of all eternity
To know the past the present and future that is only for Allahu
Strive to know all and you will understand the world better and go into a world without judgment
For there is only one judge and that is Allah do not take his place and may not look good on your left side you see
Has the Angels write down in red pen on the left and a blue pen or gold pen of the right
When you are brought to the hereafter to answer to God those angels will arrive with their scribes of that you've done
Remember to repent
This will be beneficial for you
Inshallah you will know what I mean

Friday, August 13, 2021

times that be's currently

Sometimes I find myself in the abyss unable to list
How many emotions run through me and rip it in rapid do they go
A Carnage to a rage to an insanity indeed
Blessed be blessed be am I still with Allah indeed
To hear what I hear I wonder and I ponder what is right?
Upon realities dream will it come to be blissful indeed
Able to cope just words to cope words and words and many more scribes depend to paper to more and more
Does anyone care if I survive?
I'm almost done this fight you see
It'ss tiresome indeed
Blessed be blessed be I am a not alone you see
For I'm not afraid to stand alone against The whispers you see as I seek refuge in Allah from the outcasts that Shaytain
Blessed be blessed be this life indeed

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Advice indeed

 what do people want in this life?

I cant say for others

I want to allow the emotions to rip rapid 

Unable to cope

You see with this insanity

So please listen to me

I do not choose to strike about

From happiness mania comes

Manic uncontrollable emotions to bear

Upon time you see its set still

I am a maniac

This is me, surely

Only within insanity

To please hear me

I strive to be good, so should you

Sabr is important use and understand well

Don't let that darkness take over

For we fight always

That is our jihad

To I plea with the lord indeed

To save me from myself

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

what we need

Feel the solitude, seeping into me
 As I despise what is become of me within every day, I change over, and over again 
I never am the same
To say this within reality, but not knowing what an illusion is 
Happiness can be the illusion, so display an illusion you will see what's beyond this reality
With it will you see, will you truly see? What is truth, what is within the light? So do need this indeed for every human and creature 
To give a smile a kindness, a good deed to one another 
To be good to this world we live in, because without it we are truly lost w
Within the abyss not knowing where to go?
I find myself upon my destiny once again, falling into the abyss
Fo I miss what is sanity, I do not know indeed I feel though as I see 
What is in my reality is, but an illusion you see 
I am not welcome within my religion you see 
I am too radical with peace, love, and kindness 
I am thought to say that the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was all those things too
 All he wanted was United Muslims
Humanity too, it's better to catch more flies with sugar than vinegar 
So remind this that you, do not know judge in a person's heart 
They could be fighting against what you think is wrong, they could be striving to please God
Indeed do not judge them but advice them be there for them 
Not passing judgment is not in our day To do not know what's within the heart
Only Allah can see, don't you know understand we need to be to be able to handle when the darkness 
When it comes for thee
Perhaps you indeed for those whispers you hear, and those dirty deeds 
We are stuck with him insanity and let the mind see 
What is this light that I see, over and over again  
That is, but Allah indeed 
So blessed be

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Aug 10th

For you
Thank you Allah
To brighten the path
Rememberance I see
With hope there is Noor
Weather the wind roars
Ice wall's through me
Bearing with me
With the insanity
Let it be let be
As long I'm with Allah
I'm not afraid to stand alone
For that is light and haq
The oneness of God
We finally know from the final message
To Prophet Muhammad SAW
Let me breath
So deeply
That anxiety withers as strength from hope, Allah indeed
Bless it be
For the Ummah
Let us strive indeed

Monday, August 9, 2021


Memories here that be
Right down the lane
Storming with insanity
I want nothing but to be done
With emotions you see
It's overload as each one hurts
Worse then when happened
Scarred so much
I can barely breath
Will some of this pain lessen for me
I feel lost and down, consuming with feelings
Rapid as they rip through me
Brings me to my knees
Do I plea
Not lately
I'm losing indeed
Still fighting
Till the end
Striving for happiness

Sunday, August 8, 2021

sadness lost of hope

Where to start
I'm broken beyond the mend
My mind twists and turns constantly it matters turns to rage I don't feel good most of the time people really affect me because I'm an empath and that means I see him feel with emotions that see beyond what you can see within the reality but all I can think about is the tears resident in my heart and fall down my face has each one burnt my skin but I'll always be alone because everyone leaves I have people that don't call me back I have people that don't message me back I have family that I haven't talked to in years why does everyone judge me so I try not to judge others that's not my job I just want friends and family but I have nothing but the blade flare the flare
Destined to be tarnished will I find my way I thought I did with him his mom could even then I'm not understand no one understands me I feel lost me on the bed in my heart is written telling me go to our myself and I'll never know if this is the right way but I'm done hurting myself inside with all the emotions that flow why doesn't anyone understand that I can't control what happens to be I can't control the delusions the confusion the race to time will I live alone life probably not because eventually I'll lose the war and then the end will come and no hereafter for me I just want to stop existing I don't want to be this way anymore but I've always been this way and it just gets worse and worse as age so if you don't hear me or talk to me that's okay I've been alone since the start

I hope you have a good life

Saturday, August 7, 2021


I wonder how this be's within the insanity
As my heart sees beyond reality, in the delusion you see 
I can't recognize what is right in the light 
I'm misguided you see at this time of rage and anger and fear 
You see, perhaps someday a cure will be found, but not in my lifetime 
I do not think, but who knows 
For there is a cure for everything for Allah cures all
I am far from perfect, perhaps perfectly imperfect 
As my mind goes up and down in the emotions that flow 
I remember Allah is always by my side 
To seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan 
What if it is not from him?, but from God indeed 
For Jihad is not just fighting in a physical sense
One of the most important ones is your spiritual self, and your personal self 
The ones that you go through every day of your deen
Alhamdulillah inshallah mashallah
These are all good words we should say 
Minute by minute, day by day until we rest in the grave
 For when the angel to collect our soul
To stand before our God, the angels bestowed on our shoulders
Then we will know what the end happens 
Until then we never know for we are not God 
We do not have absolute truth, I sit here pondering upon the days sky 
The mind is very distorted, but my faith is coming back 

Friday, August 6, 2021

memories pain and joyful

As I start to remember 
It blazes past me like a sharp blade to the skin 
The emptiness within, I'm trying to find joyous things in those memories of the past
To remember the good and forget the bad, to not blame myself there's something
That I cannot control to, leave it to God for he knows all
To wonder and wander upon the universe 
Shall one be within the light or cast aside within the darkness, but to remember fight the darkness
To never let go
Just because I forgot his voice does not mean I do not forget the emotions
I felt and the true love of a parent to a child unconditionally
I plea, and plea with my Lord indeed
Time to ponder....
To remember to stop, evaluate to express
 Write your heart out 
Pen to paper, letting it blend for the canvas is ready for the color and shades 
To be known as Noor 
Remember to always look for it even within the insanity that be's

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Here we are again, wandering into the night sky
Wondering if this is upon the day, to come hoping for something that the master seeks us for and we are beckoning that we are ready 
Firstly you will see the actions, by the Prophet Mohammed we will peace be upon him
At times I feel so broken and burden to the Lord 
Tarnished until I break falling to the ground and failing to meet reality lost within the abyss 
Trying to levitate within the mist to find the truth, once again as it slips as each time you go into a non lunacy phase
I feel that as the Lord, is testing me 
Allah you are right to do so for life is just many tests for us to understand, to be humble to another to let the love flow
We do as the prophets before us have done, what had the messages truly said to be kind to one another, and do it on to those  would do to yourself
We're coming to the rise the sunrise and as we do would do we get through ready to do our Fajr, before we pray to God.
Saying Oh Allah I offered thee my prayer please accept my salah
Not giving up having some hope, climbing out of the pit even if this lucid mind is but limited.
Maybe I will rise another time more motivated to be simply free
As the freedom bares with me I allow some sanity, will this be possible
May having such hope means to please thy Lord
So Dhkr is best for you and I
It's said helping one another is whats best of deeds, the smallest, and the humble we become
To let say to the day Alhamduillah thank you Allah for Haq 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

July 21st

 Do you feel this time

Upon the daring memories

Must I see them, all over again

As each emotion burn, tears touching the skin burning lightly so

Shall I spend  another decade, wallowing in the abyss

Afraid to rush into the bliss

Understanding not what is right, for the emotions ever flow

Upon this time I am better so

But still burning tears to the face

More tears this year than before

Its been 27 years,  a horror to self

I want to scream, but my voice inside is silent

As emotions flow to the brim

Bursting at rim

Ready for flight, or fight, 

Perhaps freezing 

My mental health is but solitude, I try to gather thy emotions

To be a solid and not bend

Will this be thy will

nothing but Willing to please

As I plea with an unknown deity 

Why much hate for self?

Shall this be another year of sorrow

Waiting for September

Ready to plea

With a lord indeed

The October a double hitter

Only to hit winter to spring of depression state

So lets levitate

To the new arising

To be free, even from sanity, so I plea and plea

So suddenly

Free as I can be

Just breath

Monday, July 19, 2021


Falling onto the path of uncertainty, why must it be this way
To inhale the bliss to dismiss what may be right
Uncertain are the daggers to my heart of thy mind does it tear
Emotions run rapid on my body, does it quiver ever so slightly
To Suffer so much that chaos of my mind soul and body enters artificial bliss
One medication dose, then the noon one
What possesses me to not take supper and whats the point?
I falling into the pit, and I ran and jumped with glee to get here
Is this whats meant to be within the insanity beyond the clarity
Do I see? Whats meant to be
I refuse to suffer more and more so I grasp what maybe a light
To rip twist turn
To make new rifts so the insanity doesn't distort
This is right in this light whats meant for you and me
To invite whats deemed to be
So I write, to write my heart and every emotion out
I am here
Remember me, with my words
New rifts to be within what I deem in the Clarity
Sun Soaked bliss, That I not not dismiss
Smile its deemed for you and me
Beyond the suffering
The chaos is near, but the bliss wins the race
Clarity dismisses the insanity, that is what is right
Once again I am Free to Be within this destiny

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Striving for Love

 Changing for solitude, to retreat to the deadly deeds

Fallen, ready to bleed.  Is it time for me?

Finally I feel free, maybe a skill or two will help the burdened so

Tarnished beyond control, the tears rolling down the face, and burning so 

What is Love?  The Sky? Death? Humanity?

So many questions, not many answers.  As we live

Only to die, so breathe another breath

Love is needed, wanting to enter your soul

To bring peace, so bare with me

Wandering the night sky to dawn wondering what is to come?

Let us breath, finally upon the insanity

Strive once more, we are strong, we are gathers of love

As we express through a gesture, a kindness, a smile, a hug

It's all needed in this life, to keep us from the solitude

Drifting in the abyss, ready for anything

I am strong, for if I made it this far, maybe I'll find peace

With this peace hope will come to conquer the darkness and comprehend hope

What is this Hope?  But striving, want nothing more

Than to please Thyself, ThyGod, ThyFamily

For this Peace for all will be everlasting

Never fear, nor fret, to drop a tear of sorrow, wipe your face clean

Smile for another day, to fight, to breath, and to need

Reaching for the brim, will i find the way through the haze

To serenity.....Just breath

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Hoping for peace

 Where do you find the answers? Upon each day, strive, care to share

Each wisdom you know, look deep within humanity, and lead the way to a good deed

Pay it forward, remember not because of the deeds.  This commanded do good to others

Do you know we all have many jihads, some much more higher than others

We all have our nafs, we can not choose.  Only when you let it fester

Remember sabr is needed, dua for the soul, and dhkr for the remembrance of oh Allah

Found in every soul within the universe, it's time and time again. Upon the day to the night

Salah calls for you, for us all.  Found within nature, give your salaams to the mountain.

Everything that lives and breaths,

We are the caretakers of this world that Allah has made for his most precious creations

We live here within heart, soul, emotions , and burdens bring us together

I say unite for the ummah, let us follow the sunnah together

As the Prophets revealed to us children of Adam PBUH to Musa PBUH with the stone tablets for the people

To many more Peace be upon them.

Find your way to the truth that is islam, as emotions flow so silently for once 

Free from the bounded chains of chaos, but to be free with Allah in site

Thank you Muhammed SAW for guiding the way once again lasting us long into the grace of Allah

So wonder and wonder where you would be within the truth with peace....